unscythe is cool, but I would have to splash in red. sootstoke kindler looks good though, I'll have to see if I have any. thanks.
mirror strike is perfect! I don't know how I missed it when I built this deck in the first place, thanks!
I just have trouble in one-on-one and three ways. the main problem is it draws more aggro than it can take, nobody really likes all there creatures getting nuked every 2 or 3 turns.
not bad. I can't help but put merrow reejerey in any of my merfolk decks, such a fun card, especially when you untap your own lands and play another merfolk spell.
I really like the concept. burning vengeance and secrets of the dead look like they would be a lot of fun to combo with havengul lich, but how often does he normally drop? it would be cool to focus on that win condition. cool deck.
pretty cool deck. I like the oran-rief/sprite/skullclamp combo, it's a great green draw concept.
you got some broken stuff in there. nice deck. not sure what Sheltering Word is there for.
Pristine may be a little pricey, but when someone pulls out an artifact creature deck she gets to be the hero. She's also more idependent than the other angels, which is to say, she doesn't need her mommy.
divine reflection will be useful, but I prefer siren's call to taunt because I can combo it nicely with festival for a one-way WoG if I'm in a pinch. thanks for the advice.
it seems that your win condition is kind of a round about mill. if you need better defense from creatures, try splashing in some white to enchant fog bank with entangler. it looks like it'd be a fun deck to play with.
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