True, but with nearly half my land producing 2 mana I usually have at least one out there, which automatically makes him worth a tap. Although, I think you might be right, and usually by the time that could even kick-off properly, my problem isn't having enough mana, it's having the right mana. perhaps I should exchange some of the double mana lands with more basics, and a few searches.
@Kazzong. I've got amulet of vigor in there and magus of the candelabra helps untap land as well, but you're right about needing to fix my mana, it's just hard to get rid of the refuges because the life gain is kinda nice, I'll probably get rid of the others and put some basics in there. thanks.@Baron. Yeah, I've struggled with wanting to go EDH with it, but I really didn't want to break CMC of 1, and I know your general has to be all the colors of your deck. if you know of any way around that let me know. As it stands I have Mikaeus in there as my only legendary creature, as a kind of pseudo-general, which is why isamaru isn't in the deck. Good call on most of the others though, I think I actually have all of those but sensei's diving top, I'll have to make some tough descisions on what to take out though, lol.@Racky. FOD is a great card, and will definitely go in, my poor Kithkin deck will miss him though. You and Kazzong are definitely right about the mana though, it's definitely the biggest flaw in here, thanks for the advice and help.
I like order of the stars for cheap defense. spurnmage advocate can help get rid of big threats. And an artifact like basalisk collar goes good with creatures like goblin grappler, or lacolith whelp. but valor made real with abu jafar, or loyal sentry is fun too.I'm glad to see other people experimenting with 1 CMC decks. I've got an almost EDH, 1 CMC I'd love your opinion on. I've definitely gotten some good ideas for it from your deck, hopefully you can get something out of mine.oh, and I'm surprised nobody mentioned path to exile as an alternative to swords to plowshares, sometimes it's better to give land than life. all in all, pretty cool deck man, keep building.
bloodghast has a nice return to the battlefield ability, had you considered throwing it in the mix?
electrikery with inflame would be nice. definitely got some aggro going on. I've got a global burn deck that genreates plenty of hate, it's not FNM ready, but you might be able to get some ideas from it.
I suggest enchanted evening with harmonic sliver it's amazing. also sliver overlord is best paired with amoeboid changeling. sliver are always fun though. good luck!
thanks for the badass site gary! I've met so many cool people here, and I've gotten a lot of cool ideas. I think as a community, we all have learned much from each other, and a wicked thumbs up to you for making that possible!
nice! that way it's reusable. I've seen lure on abu Ja'far.
knight of the meadowgrain is possibly one of my favorite kithkins, and militia's pride is great with wizened cenn
it's not bad, you've got some decent control going on. I'd probably take out 2 of the wanderwines and throw in 2 merrow harbingers though. They're cheaper, and there's really no reason to have more than one wanderwine out.
using sovereign's ability to make wanderwine prophets unblockable plus summon the school can give you an infinite turn combo. you've already got 2 out of three in there.
yeah. shadowmoore is def my favorite, onslaught was a fun set too. glad to have helped.
pyromancer ascension w/counters + any instant or sorcery spell + reverberate = infinite copies of the instant or sorcery spell that was cast. cool deck, you found some of the more obscure copy spell abilities, I like it.
you've got plenty of upkeep related saproling generation. why no paradox haze?
still kinda new to the site but here's my 2 cents. scuttlemutt to replace alloy myr, (if you have them). same cost, same P/T, same mana production, but scuttlemutt's secondary ability has saved my ass from DB's enough to convert me. I do really like your method of simply denying other players access to Karona, rather than just nerfing their turns, commendably creative. As far as a tribal theme's go, your playgroup is right, Slivers are cheap, and personally, I won't touch elves til the day I die. Nephilim, that's the creature type I would go with, but that might just be me wanting to build nephilim tribal talking. Anyway, pretty cool deck bro, can't wait to see the finished product.
jayemdae tome or scepter of insight could be replaced with temple bell if your not worried about letting others draw. also mana chains is one of my favorite blue control spells, casting it on the right creature can distract someone from the game while they're torn between keeping their creature or sinking all their mana into it turn after turn. also, ancestal vision is a great early game draw card and visions from beyond is a great late game draw.
one drop decks are awesome! I love my one drop deck. mine's not great but, you might be able to get some ideas from it. bloodhall ooze, guul-draz assassin, curiousity, sadistic glee, distortion strike, virulent swipe, fatal blow, and ponder, just to name a few of my faves. hope this helps.
splashing in 2 more colors would be a little crazy but, seeing that all but one of your enchantments cost 3 or less, working out some way to get Zur the Enchanter into play might prove useful.
propaganda could be useful, and keeps you running blue. but as color is no issue I would run arboria instead of building towards a perma tapped state. and of course leyline of sanctity will protect you from any direct damage.
you have a lot of creatures that are really just dragging you down, you should focus on a more specific win condition and thin them out. I would nix Moonlight, Soul Seizer, Shriekgeist, Nibilis of Mist, Mausoleum, and Chapel Geist. Byrumadk is absolutely right though, Venser is best suited for permanents with abilities triggered by entering or leaving the battlefield.
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