Ya but Arcanis can come down with only 3 mana you know (stonybrook banneret). And u must also know that u can't cast creature spells at other players turn with guile, same for sorcery spells. Of course that can be changed by adding Teferi or Vedalken Orrery into the deck. Plus u dont have a way to draw cards and Arcanis is a master at these things! And Time Spiral is out of standard at October 3rd.
You might want to remove 4 sage's dusing, 4 rune snag,4 dream fracture and then add 4 counterspell, 4 boomerang and 4 isochron scepters.But if u want to keep it type 2 dont do it. Guile is not needed in there, better add Arcanis. Its quite different from my wizard deck, you should check it out at http://www.mtgvault.com/viewdeck.php?did=14190.
Very good deck. I love black creatureless control decks! I have one of my own, check it out at: http://mtgvault.com/viewdeck.php?did=14192 and maybe you can have some ideas.
Well I strongly reccomend you add Cryptic Command. I thing its a must have in all blue decks. Plus I dont like Gifts Ungiven. Generaly its a good blue control deck.
Indeed add 4 Browbeats. 3 cards draw or 5 damage to an opponent. Its a very good red card and your only way to draw cards. You can add tremor sideboard (one damage to all creatures waith one mana). I dont like Form of the Dragon. Its a liability, maybe put it sideboard. Also u can add fireball. Pretty good deck thought, but I also hate red burn decks!
As for the barters, I will consider it but Damnations are proxies right now so I cant play them legaly, but I have thought this and I will do it when I find them. Thank you all for the comments.
Here is how I built this deck: I have a couple of ways to win, One is with consume spirit, but for a reason or two (i.e. playing againsts life gain white/green decks) I cant win. Next is Liliana, by taking other creatures. But again there is reanimators in play... So Liliana is a good card finder (2nd ability) Last is Haunting Echoes (library destroy). All are win conditions against different decks.
Point is, ul hardly have 2 lands on ur starting hand with this number of lands in a 70-card deck.
First of all, I hate green decks. But mostly, I hate blue-green decks. Now a few comments: Add Arcanis. Renove Jace cuz ur opponents draw cards either and u dont have enough counterspells to control threats. Dream Lash is useless. Better put Vedalken Shackles. Add Cryptic Command. Add Telepathy if you want. Remove Dream Fructure. Remove 2 Spellbooks. I think thats enough for now. :)
Sure dantheman. Ask me whatever u like. I love control decks and this is what I mainly try to create and play. My email is [email protected]. Feel free to mail me anytime.
I thought of puting Barrin, Master Wizard mainboard and Blind Seer sideboard. What do you say?
Creatures are useless in this type of decks. I used to run a deck like this but wasnt only focused on creature sacrifice. I focused it on hand and deck mill also. This deck will have a serious problem against blue control decks like counterspell or wizard-counterspell. I sugest u put more tutors, cabal therapy and duress. Also make a good sideboard. Needs damnation and a Liliana Vess. Good work though!
Nice deck and good idea. I sugest you take out the labs. I dont like this card too much. If you want to add sideboard, try adding austere command, ajani goldmane and jace beleren. You realy want to find a way to draw cards, so i sugest to put two arcanis in the place of labs. Good work though!
It is a nice deck but a little bit different according to the playstyle from mine. I use aphetto grifter to tap things and azami+ arcanis to draw cards. I used to have 2 directors and a spellbook inside my deck but I barely used the directors cuz I needed the mana or I would draw too many cards. But with azami the card drawing is more controlable. I will try to make the deck 60 cards but i doubt it cuz I dont know what to remove! If you can be more specific plz :)
First of all, the sideboard must be exactly 15 cards. No more or less. Plus I suggest that you make it mono black discard-control deck. They are more catchy! Nice idea anyways.
Jup, agreed. Try working on that mana supply by putting some cloudposts or urza's lands. Or Extraplanar lense. Plus u need some fast creatures. Anyway I never liked dragon decks... Too slow and veeeeeeeery creature based for me. I mentioned blue control cuz thats the type of deck I play.
And trhy adding Lodestone Myr. A good card inthis deck.
Wow, Nice idea! I wish to try it one day! But is vurnerable in some ways. I mean what are you going to do when a player plays Akroma's Wrath?
Well seems like EDH deck but with 66 cards, not 100... Not working for me plus it doesnt have enough lands. Come on, only one plains in 66 cards? And you wish to win with this?
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