Do your non-Iso-scepter decks face 'Iso-scepter withdrawal'?
Finally! Someone who recognizes that the Overlord is the best Sliver General!
I think dragon77 already posted that message on another deck of yours.
Now I'm just commenting so that your decks get better ratings.
"Are ya ready, wizards?" "AYE AYE, CAPTAIN!"
You should consider Oracle of Mul Daya. I use it in my (wouldbe) Landfall deck.
And when did Mill become a viable means of winning? I'm just teasing. :-)
Wow... This is even more 'landy' than my land deck.
I never played against this deck. Is this your so-called "Burning Bridge" everyone still talks about?
I would love to play you sometime, but I'm going to be starting work here shortly, and that should consume the majority of my summer. I haven't been playing since college let out. So, sorry, but I don't think I can help you much there, at least for a while. I do have one more question for you though. It regards Worldgorger Dragon and Kikki-Jikki, Mirror Breaker. Let's assume I Tooth and Nail and drop those two creatures onto the battlefield. Then, on the stack of Worldgorger Dragon's 'enter' ability, I tap Kikki-Jikki, Mirror Breaker and put a copy of Worldgorger Dragon onto the battlefield. I know it seems kinda silly, but do you think you could explain to me how this mess of triggers correctly resolves?
Would I still lose the game if I Tooth and Nailed for Phage and Platinum Angel?
Well, well. There it is. Clear as day. Thanks a million, man. That actually makes a bunch of stuff we've been doing at college not apply. Oops! I will adjust my decks accordingly. :)
No, not yet. You see what I can do with it, right?
I just realized how appropriate Phage the Untouchable is in my Tooth and Nail deck. Do you happen to have one that you would be willing to trade?
2 creatures + 1 Repercussion + 1 Blasphemous Act = A punch to the face
I agree one hundred percent. Wizards sometimes make the stupidest rulings. Amazingly, several people I play with agree with Wizards and have tried to get me to understand their 'logic.'
Wizards currently says that once the process begins, no opponent will lose for having 0 or less life because the triggers each trigger each other, meaning the game instantly ends in a draw unless a player is capable of removing one of the enchantments from the battlefield (via Disenchant, for instance). What do you think about that ruling?
Congrats on making the front page. :)
I see a large problem: Extraplanar Lens. It's great for massively increasing your mana production, but what if your opponent is also playing Swamps? You don't want to give part of your advantage to your enemies. The easiest way to fix this: take out the 26 Swamps and replace them with 26 Snow-covered Swamps. Since all your Snow-covered Swamps have the same name, Extraplanar Lens increases your mana production, but it doesn't increase the mana production of someone playing regular Swamps. It's really funny to see in action too: "AHA! You increase my...oh." :-)
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