Oh. My apologies.
Duly noted.
If the idea isn't for this deck to be a competitive deck, why have you chosen an official format, with specific rules and established metas and archetypes, affiliated with highly-skilled, competitive Magic players, as a tag for your deck?
I'm not sure if I agree with Worldspine Wurm or not. I can certainly see the argument for him. I just haven't done enough testing to accurately evaluate if the synergy with Sneak Attack is better than the Annihilator 6 trigger.In all honesty, though, it's hard to evaluate Sneak and Show's overall position in the current meta now anyway since Containment Priest has become a thing. How does S&S deal with that?
Lol! I love Enduring Renewal Decks. The kill condition is always up to the style of the builder since there are so many free sac outlets that can just win the game if done infinitely.Anyway, cool deck. I like that your defense mechanism can function as an alternative win con thanks to Vent-Sent. :P
Lava Spike isn't that great of a card, but it is 3 damage for 1 mana, so if it fits what you're looking for...Also, Eidolon of the Great Revel is nuts. A Pyrostatic Pillar that swings!? Why not? I'd drop at least the Satyr Firedancer for him.I think you should play Fireblast instead of Shard Volley and Browbeat. I know sacrificing two Mountains is pricey, but if it's for the kill it doesn't matter anyway.Just my opinions. The rest looks solid. Happy burning! :D
Challenge: Stare at this deck for 10 hours straight. LOL!
LOL! I'm so glad you see the humor in Clergy en-Vec. I really like how WotC will create interactive flavor texts. Pillarfield Ox is one of my personal favorites, along with the combination of Spikeshot Goblin (Mirrodin) and Spikeshot Elder (Scars of Mirrodin). Goblin Piledriver and Fodder Cannon are another two of my good favorites. :P
Looking good. I ran almost this exact build at GP DC in November, at which I unfortunately had very little success. I found that I was consistently short on black mana sources. I would often have to pass on turn 2 with two lands in play and Hymn in hand because Grove couldn't give me that second black. The same for Lili on turn 3. Though I recognize how powerful the Punishing Fire engine is in a deck like Jund, my own list does not run it due to the past issues I've had with Grove of the Burnwillows. Feel free to take a look at and leave comments on my current Legacy Jund list.http://www.mtgvault.com/scarecrow1/decks/legacy-jund/
Leave it to you to think of something like this. :P Seriously, though, it looks awesome. Truly an "epic" creation. XD
Lol. The combo is still powerful if you can get it off, but only Vintage allows it, and there are lots of ways to disrupt it, especially when you're only running one Flash. Sorry if I sounded like a jerk in my previous messages; that wasn't my intention. I know someone at college who runs 4 Tinker in a Blightsteel deck and 4 Channel in an Eldrazi deck, making the same argument you did about it being casual and there being no more than 4 of anything. Sure, maybe it's fun to see go off once or twice, but it's just no fun to play against, and, in my opinion, casual should be first and foremost about having fun.
I have a buddy at college who plays a fun Kithkin deck with AEther Vial and Swords to Plowshares, and it can go toe-to-toe with my Legacy Goblins list. Lol. Cool deck. :-)
No, it doesn't abide by the basic rules of MTG because the basic rules of MTG say that you cannot play more than 1 Flash in any noncasual format. And in casual, the Chancellor of the Dross deck is just as legal as this one.
I'm not particularly an expert on Junk; I'm much more used to seeing G/W Maverick. But I still see most of the staples I'm used to seeing. I can't predict how well this will do in tournaments, but I wish you the best of luck with it. :-)
And this is why no format allows you to play 4 Flash. How about I pit this deck up against 60 Chancellor of the Dross and see what it can do?
I'd recommend keeping all of the Warchiefs, Lackeys, and Matrons. They are the backbone of a Vintage goblin deck. I'd also run 4 Goblin Piledrivers; if you have any significant board presence, he demands an immediate answer, and he can't be targeted with Chain of Vapor. Moxen and other 0-drop artifacts are plentiful in Vintage, so something like Goblin Tinkerer is a necessity. There are also lots of ways to cheat big and nasty creatures onto the battlefield, so something like Stingscourger is extremely helpful at times. Consider cards like Siege-Gang Commander, Gempalm Incinerator, Goblin Recruiter, Goblin Ringleader, and Kiki-Jiki as possible inclusions. Their effects are phenomenal and you can Matron for them when needed, but you don't want to draw them at inconvenient times. Other utility goblins like Skirk Prospector and Mogg Fanatic see some play, but only in specific deck lists from what I've seen. Also, I know he's not a goblin, but Magus of the Moon is one of the most difficult creatures to deal with right now. I recommend any red-heavy deck run at least 3 of him. Beyond those guys, I wouldn't consider any other creatures. If you'd like to run any spells, I'd recommend either Lightning Bolt or Mental Misstep. As far as artifacts go, you will definitely want 4 Aether Vials; it may seem slow, but it gives you free creatures at instant speed! Hell yeah! Also be sure to include Sol Ring and (if you're budget will allow it) Mox Ruby and Black Lotus. Chalice of the Void is another really good card to have. It'll give you answers to things you don't have an answer to otherwise; I'd recommend 4, but that's me. I've also seen some goblin decks run Mana Crypt, which I feel is a good idea. Your land base should definitely include Strip Mine and Wasteland if you can. If you choose to run Magus, I wouldn't recommend any other nonbasic lands. That should be able to make up most of if not all of your main board. For the sideboard, include artifact hate, graveyard hate, and blue hate. This will cover MUD, Dredge, and Blue deck, respectively, three of your most common match ups.
You don't have near enough interaction with your opponent until far too late in the game. Even assuming that you can land a turn 1 Lackey and have it deal damage next turn (which is an incredibly generous assumption at that, considering the kind of disruption you'll be up against), your opponents will still be more than capable of performing their combos or outpacing you due to the immense speed and strength that the most powerful cards in the game (Black Lotus, Ancestral Recall, Dark Confidant, Yawgmoth's Will, etc.) will lend them. I don't meant to come down hard on you, but you have a long way to go before this deck is playable in Type 1.
Hah, I love burning Bridge decks! I suggest you use Bottled Cloister instead of Grafted Skullcap, though, that way you get to possibly use those excess cards in the future without worrying about it loosening Ensnaring Bridge's grasp on the field. It's the same mana cost, too, so it seems like a better option to me. I have a friend who used to play a Burning Bridge deck that used Lightning Helix on an Isochron Scepter to win. It was hysterical. :-)
You said it's pretty common of a deck idea, but I've never seen something quite like this before. I feel Harrow may be a good addition, but I'm not sure what you would feel comfortable taking out for them. I really like Avenger of Zendikar. I feel that the mana curve is a little unbalanced. You have 9 spells that cost at least six mana. Your odds of getting at least two unusable cards in the early game in your opening hand is pretty high. Your mana acceleration is fantastic, so those spells become very easy to play relatively quickly. If you can consistently get those mana-accel cards in the early game despite starting off with several large bombs in your hand, then I think you're good to go.
I personally like Chaosphere, Last Gasp, and Disrupt (Weatherlight), along with a host of other flavor texts. I appreciate your choices as well. Don't forget Might of Oaks (pre-M10)!
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