
56 Decks, 174 Comments, 9 Reputation

I know... I originally had only two summoning traps in, but i took out red to make it more consistent, and needed to add 2 more cards so i went with the summoning traps. Sprouting hydra, khalni hydra, phyrexian hydra and hydra omnivore all can be summoned with it. Thats more than half of my creatures. So i think the probability of one of them being in the top seven cards is good. And the opponent is bound to try and counter my early game hydras and then i can summon trap for a khalni kydra or or the like.

Posted 21 September 2011 at 21:55 in reply to #201846 on Hydras Only


Um thanks dude. But this is an EDH, also now as Commander format. The deck has to have exactly 100 cards and only one of each card can be in the deck... But if you want to see an my "Elves of Eldrazi" deck look here.

Posted 21 September 2011 at 01:18 in reply to #201703 on Eldrazi EDH


thanks. I wasnt really planning on milling my self to much. I mean with jace archivist i mill myself but i can play card from the hand too. So i never actually toss any cards without them going into my hand first. So thats why i had the Elixirs in there. I just wanted to make sure i had a way to get my graveyard back if i milled myself to far and the opponent was still standing or something, I guess i could sideboard them. As for the deck i see your point they really are slow and kinda of undead when replaced with steady progress. I did replace visions from beyond, i did feel like the card was kinda unneeded because by the time either player had 20 cards in their graveyard, i had more efficient way of drawing and milling.

Thanks for the help both of you!! I will probably sideboard visions of beyond and elixir.

Posted 21 September 2011 at 00:13 in reply to #201637 on Infectious Milling


I think you should add a bear umbra, its the best green umbra next to snake umbra. Id add both instead of primal cocoon and savage silhouette. Primal cocoon takes to long to be of any use, unless its in your opening hand and you play on turn 1 or 2. Savage silhouette is good, but you umbras give the cover also and they have better effects.

Posted 20 September 2011 at 16:52 as a comment on Nature's Wrath


My i suggest Oriss, samite Guardian. She a beast with elixir of immortality. Sorry but im going to have to make my own version of this deck :) it just my style. I kinda upset you thought of it first haha.

Posted 19 September 2011 at 19:36 as a comment on Turbo Fog


Yeah i realized after i posted that you were probably thinking about your life total. I think the deck works better with the 4 mox diamonds over 4 reanimates and 2 mox diamonds.

Could you? I need help on my jace's mill v2 deck.

and this deck was just a random thought but i would like it to be good

Posted 19 September 2011 at 13:50 in reply to #201192 on Shrouded Reanimator Deck


Nice deck. Man Love the temporal extortion and dash hopes. Attack with Abyssal Persecutor and win the game with a damnation haha, love it.
You should check out my damnation deck.

Posted 19 September 2011 at 02:22 as a comment on Mono Black Suicide


Yeah... I like oust though because it always gives them exactly 3 life no matter how big the creature is. But thanks for all the help man. You really got me going in a more condensed direction than before. I agree with you, though there is a lot of life gain in the deck, its hard to say if i would have 40 to get sovereign's ability to work without celestial mantle or the like.

Posted 18 September 2011 at 19:25 in reply to #201265 on What's This?


I see. Yeah i will have to take out sovereign anyways for ghost council. I can use needle trap basically anytime i use oust so i think ill keep it in. And ill defiantly sb syphon soul for multi.

Posted 18 September 2011 at 19:12 in reply to #201265 on What's This?


Divinity of pride would be awesome, but im not sure what to take out...
I have no intentions to make this a vamp deck
Soul syphon is a sweet card, i just dont like that you have to discard a land to get it back in addition to paying its mana cost. But i suppose i am running elixir so i might.
HOW did i look past Orzhov ghost council, i even made a deck with him before... ill need to find something to take out and put him in.
Thanks for the help!

Posted 18 September 2011 at 16:48 in reply to #201265 on What's This?


i certainly will.

Posted 18 September 2011 at 16:43 in reply to #201215 on What's This?


Okay that makes sense, thanks.

Posted 18 September 2011 at 16:42 in reply to #201207 on What's This?


thanks. i thought so but wasn't sure.

Posted 18 September 2011 at 04:50 in reply to #201189 on What's This?


why 4 exhume and not 4 reanimate?

Posted 18 September 2011 at 04:47 as a comment on Shrouded Reanimator Deck


Can you continuously use Sun's bounty's recover ability or only once? I know a creature must die first. But the last part of the card really left me confused. Is that last bit only there if you try to recover it without losing a creature?

Posted 18 September 2011 at 04:31 as a comment on What's This?


I absolutely love this deck, though i like almost all healing decks. haha, Serra Ascendant over Baneslayer Angel in my opinion. It cost 4 less, and is 6/6 with flying and lifelink. Because your gonna have 30 life.
Check out my healing walls deck. It more about luminarch ascension than winning form life gain, but feildar sovergein is in the deck.

Posted 18 September 2011 at 03:04 as a comment on Pure Life Gain


haha... right. I do that all the time, im almost always on a budget for decks so thats the first concern for me when the word "expensive" pops up. But yeah he does cost a lot, but its tied for the most expensive card. And those are great ideas. I love dissipation field. But i think ill try running as is and then update it form their based on how it runs against other decks. Thanks for the help!

Posted 18 September 2011 at 02:44 in reply to #201131 on Infectious Milling


What happens when you play against someone who plays with a creatureless deck?

Posted 17 September 2011 at 19:29 as a comment on Copy That


Jace is expensive, but he's really the only card that cost much next to inkmoth nexus in the deck. As far as counterspells and the likes, idk yet... i haven't built the deck yet, it was more like an impulse than a sure long thought out planning processes. haha. But the sideboard is basically all counters, so if you need more you could switch out for them. And as far as the mana curve and infect or mill i couldn't tell you that either. If you do get a bad hand you just need to use jace archivist to draw a new one anyways. I have the majority of the cards in the deck, i could proxy it and see how it ran...

The deck basically started from trying to make an original mill deck(Jace's Mill). Someone commented on adding inexorable tide to get more counters on jace. Then i thought why not just add more proliferate cards and infect creatures. That way you have more than one win condition.

Haha didn't really answer any questions regarding the deck. But hey like i said the deck took me like 10 minutes to put together...

And which defensive creatures do you propose? Im keeping it standard and my beloved gomazoas are no longer standard leagal(well soon).

Posted 17 September 2011 at 19:23 in reply to #201131 on Infectious Milling


Glider Bairn + selesnya evangel would give you a ton of counters and sparolings. So yes add them. Also my biggest concern for you and this deck is the mana count. I sorry to say but its awful, you need at least 25 land with a 70 card deck. And all your creatures cost around 4-5 mana making the deck even slower. I assume you made this deck after playing Magic 2012 online game,(I know because i made a white/green aura deck haha).
So my suggestion is to back to the drawing board. Rethink about which creatures are redundant and un-need and take them out. Try and get your card count down to 60. And if you still don't know what to take out, add more 5 forest, your good on plains, and just have a 75 card deck.
Happy sparoling!

Posted 17 September 2011 at 05:12 as a comment on Saproling horde


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