The deck that this one is based off is:
Zendikar has nothing for this deck. Nissa revane takes to long, in five turns the normal combo can get every elf in the deck out any way. Other than that, I like the mana situation in the deck and the elf druids I like best cost one mana
I've been away from this site and magic for a little while and haven't looked into the zendikar cards. Has anyone seen any cards from it that fit the theme and play style of this deck? Or any green card the gives haste to all of my creatures?
If you want to use elvish archdruid you need more elves in the deck. Lanowar elves would be the best fit. Your deck is not stadard so look at my version of this deck. It uses a similar strategy and is one of the top rated decks. Check it out for ideas--Elf Druid Land Contol
Yes I relize that you have elvish archdruid but he is not an early game mana accelerator
This deck is called quickelf attack but their I'd no mana acceleration. Add lanowar elves and mabye fyndhorn elf
One idea for a kill srtategy would be phage the untouchable. As long as you have good control over the board she works great
How wrong is nick? Answer: very wrong uses of the cards he belives are worthless Heritage Druid- avoids the summoning sickness of my creatures and allows me to keep playing Druids Lanowar Mentor- continues my drawing combo by turning extra artifacts and enchantments into Druids coat of arms- allows me to win early in the game when my main combo doesn't come out. It also is more effective than overrun or garruk (which is worse 10 4/4's with trample or 10 10/10's?) Pack Hunt- super charges the draw combo by giving me three one mana Druids to play Finally, the only reason I take land is to stop them from playing spells so I can toy with them. All of the stolen land is useless because of WINTER ORB! And tell me how many people are going to design a full side board to counter just one rare type of deck?
Consider adding steely resolve or priviliged position to prevent your creatures from being destroyed by spells
Helix pinnacle, elvish arch druid
Since your being unrealistic, just run one of the mox gems
Coat of arms is being used as a super sized overrun. The turn I play it is the turn I plan to win on. Which doesn't work with door of destinies. I refuse to put the quillspike/devoted Druid combo in. It is over used and not creative
What happens if they destroy your Transcendence?
Doubling Season fits this combo but might be too expensive, your choice.
You don't need 4 Sarkhan Vols, you are only allowed one plainswalker of each name out on the field at a time
what do you expect your opponent to do while you draw and discard land cards? Nothing? Move some of your cards in the sideboard back into the main
Add spells like path to exile, unmake, and other creature removals.
This deck plays fine with 16 forests. I have this deck built with proxies right now and in the normal game, I will start with two and end the game with four. Plus any extra lands I get in the late game become elves because of lanowar mentor. I have only gotten above 5 lands twice in about twenty games. This deck is 64 cards with a full 15 card sideboard, not a 79 card main deck
You need cards that let you search your library for a card and send it to your graveyard. For some reason I can't think of the card's name
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