This is so close to Standard... why not push it to current?
Grixis is the new Jeskai
Here is the Mill Deck I just retired that I had Extremely good luck with.
2 things...1. Will you build a standard Budget Grixis Deck since no one plays it.2. Give me your insight in my current non budget Grixis Deck.
Have you played the deck and actually pulled the combo off?
I guess you would top deck and end your turn with 0 cards so they game would go on.
So game is over at that point since they wont be able to draw. I bought this deck on TCG since it was so cheap and looks like a fun deck with a sliver feel.
Are misers Stackable or only good one time? If they stack in theory you could reduce a max hand size to zero?
This deck is focused... but I am deciding to base it more on control... Remember this is a deck only built with Theros, Born of the Gods, and Journey into Nyx.
Come on... looking for improvements and feedback.
Look at mine... i think it flows better.
I understand whats standard now.. I am planning for when everything drops... This is like an October Deck.
Here is the Deck! Going to be a Winner
I am finishing a Theros/BOG's/NYX only version of this. I will post a link shortly.
Sunbond is the key... This is in my deck similar to this.
Have you actually been able to pull this off?
Lots of great Ideas here... What about focusing on a Mill deck that has survivability and control and doesn't rely on 5 drops... I played a land killer deck recently and won with my mill deck and had no more then 4 mana the entire time.... 5 drops are great... I definitely have them in my deck but the way to win with mill is lots of low mana cards in my opinion.
No.. Jace, Memory Adept
Totally agree.... constant cheap mill.
Breaking // Entering... Tome Scoure I still go back to Mill Mill Mill
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