i would have ran both pit fight and prey upon and taken out the young wolf although that's personal preferance. i run a black green deathtouch deck with prey upon and was thinking about using pit fight and maybe splashing red.
i should probaqbly look into the kamigawa block more since they have some cool shit that i've never heard of before.
tokens have a nice hit on the deck which i counter with the curse of death's hold. also control and mill seem to hit this deck pretty hard i dont really have anything to counter it accept the soul harvesters and bitterheart witches which allow me to just do damage but control will beat me unless they are mana fucked or they dont disrupt my grimoire
thats why i use prey upon. the mechanic deathtouch still applies but first strike does not since it is not deemed as combat damage, unless im totally wrong in which case i will be throwing in an equipment or somthing in my sideboard to make a creature just do 1 damage to a creature which is enough to kill.
yea 14$ isnt bad for an fnm ready deck, the only reason i dont use unbreathing horde is that my win condition is the grimmoire so its going to end the game immediately after i use it on my next turn. also the horde is based on zombies that gives me one turn to have zombies out so it's not as viable as i'd like although if they survived my zombified onslaught the horde would be great to have the next turn. hmmm... i'll look into it
no really im not going to use the harvesters from my hand i use them forr the grimoire and make them come back as my win condition.
i've never seen a black green turbofog before usually i see them green blue or green white. very nice! will you take a look at my deathtouch standard deck. http://mtgvault.com/refiper/decks/standard-deathtouch/
instead of running the cankerous thirst and woodland cemetary i would run with a giant growth and just do that the deck looks like it plays without the thirst in there.
i like clawz's idea i would also try to fit in a door of destinies since they are all trolls just makes them a bit meaner. please look at mine :) http://mtgvault.com/refiper/decks/standard-deathtouch/
i would run markov chosen instead of falkenwrath noble just a personal preference though. will you check mine out :) http://mtgvault.com/refiper/decks/standard-deathtouch/
i'd run murder instead of victim just my thought
thanks i'll have to look into the harvester of souls and prey upon sounds like a good idea. not sure about the prey upon since i have deadly allure but that would let me choose what im hitting.
i think you should get your hands on a couple elementals like arc runner and ball lightning or spark elemental for quick hit damage
was actually thinking about dropping the witches for that since they do essentially the same thing just the curse is more effective.
just standard cards i had since i cant seem to pull a nighthawk out of boosters for some reason and i wanted to throw the green viper in. i am probably replacing the gorgon with the wasteland viper shortly though. also the ambush viper does more damage and combos with the shadow slice better
just realized im using a quite similar deck for my fnm XD
most definately is a girl on the card of curse of thirst. what about cards with no living beings on it??
i would run curse of thirst instead of oblivion
not bad at all. i like the make them draw to death idea.http://www.mtgvault.com/refiper/decks/izzet-more-like-winzzet/check out my deck
definately use reforge the soul here and maybe a couple burns to help mitigate creatures. like searing spear and lava geiser
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