What decks does it do best against? Just curious because I'm not too well versed or educated at this game. Mainly because I don't play it enough only casually play with my Dad and Brother.
Thanks for the recommendations. I test played this deck the other day and realised I needed a way to get more mana out for it to work well. Hadn't played against a bunch of types of decks just an exile nightmare deck. I like the idea of replacing [[Rolling Stones]] with [[High Alert]] even though it's multi color and 1 more CMC. I will prolly throw in some [[Seaside Citadel]] to help with mana and swap out [[Naturalize]] for some kind of cheap counter spells. I noticed I need a more diverse card for interrupting their plan before I get mine going and [[Naturalize]] wasn't cutting it. I will try and play test this deck a little more against different types to see how well it works. I wanted to keep the cheap big toughness walls and stray away from smaller walls but depending on how tough it is to get those out and keep them out without special abilities, I might have to rethink it. Again thanks for the recommendation.
Yeah I forgot about the "Goblin Tunneler" that will work better because he is just a tap instead of paying the 2 mana. But as far as "Goblin Chieftain" that would mess up my idea for using "Wrangle" on "Krenko, Mob Boss" to untap him and make more tokens. Also if I get out more than one Chieftain then I wouldn't be able to use the tunneler on the "Warren Instigator" or use the "Raid Bombardment" enchantment either. Because I was also thinking of adding cards that did that same thing like "Goblin Trashmaster" but quickly realised I would mess up some of my spells if any of the goblins were to exceed 2 power.
Tweaked it and made it Modern legal. Tell me what you think.
^had to have 10 letters.
Thanks, hadn't seen that card yet. So technically that makes them dual mana lands right? If so that's awesome.
Double posted sorry.
I'm still kinda new to magic, so dont take this the wrong way but i don't see how this deck works out. Do you need to get to ten cards then discard to use this deck?
Nice deck should work very well. I don't think anyone could make a better one. +1
And how it was before did horrible against hexproof creatures. It kinda nulled my whole deck when i they came out. That's why i put that lighthouse in there.
Yeah i had a bunch of cards like that to bounce creatures back on top of their library to use the trap. Doing that i noticed it was so slow at getting enough mana to cast Booby Trap and took forever to get it out if i didn't get lucky and get it early. So i revised it with different cards to help draw and speed the process up. Hadn't gotten the replacement cards together yet in my actual deck but once i do I'll probably post how well it did against certain decks.
Yeah thanks for the suggestion. I was aware i wouldn't be able to search for those because they technically weren't curses. I did replace them with some traps and dropped the mana a little too accommodate more of what i already have. I have diabolic tutor for fetching cards that aren't curses or if you can't get any witches out after y the first few draws.
Tainted remedy is a good card to use for a anti-life deck. And also polluted bonds is another life exchange enchantment.
This deck is lame. Healing is for poons. And your description sux.
Scratch that took out the metamorph and put in portal. Because of the price wish i could find cheap replacement for ancient stirrings.
Yeah think I'm gonna go with echoing truth which is cheaper but doesn't let me draw. Think it might do the job.
Lol yeah obviously that's a sought out card being that much for the different prints.
Thank y'all for the recommendations. I did take the advise on the ancient stirrings and ancient grudge. Also that Phyrexian Metamorph helps a bunch with. this deck
Thanks again for your detailed comment it is always appreciated. I used the bell like you recommended and threw in the expensive remand. I tried to find a card similar to that but cheaper but no luck.
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