Thanks for the recommendations i did remove the black and drop some card counts down to include the planeswalker. And i threw in that owl artifact which is great for my deck.
That one would work with my build. Thanks
Thank y'all for the suggestions, i made some updates it definitely jumped the price up there. But i do like the idea of the thrumming stone and the spirit that brings the apostles right back out. I agree the sign in blood is a cheap card but i just put that one in there because i like being able to damage and heal with spent mana. Plus thought i could use it in a pinch to heal.
Ok gotcha. That's understandable.
Not to criticise on your deck but my opinion i think you should scrap burst of speed and just add two more goblin war chief. I think you would get more out of two more war chiefs since that's what war chief does is give haste to all goblins and you don't have anything but goblins so the burst card just gives you the same thing but temporary. But that's just my opinion.
Nice lineup, looks good. Thanks for leaving the comment.
Healing is lame.
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