All I can really say about this deck is that you will get hated out of the game very quickly. Your token producers all being over 4 mana to cast will allow any sort of aggro deck to slip underneath and do enough damage that you'll permanently be on the back foot.This looks like fun, but be careful running this!
If you add Fleshbag Marauder in here, you can have basically infinite sacrifices if you have Tergrid out. Just sacrifice Fleshbag to itself, then return it with Tergrid. Repeat until the board is deleted!
With such a low CMC for the entire deck, I'd swap out Deathcap Cultivator for Necrogen Rotpriest. It'll increase the speed of how your opponent gains Poisoned Counters and isn't reliant on cards being in the graveyard.
I'd swap out Cultivate, Aqueous Form and maybe Curious Obsession.Super surprised that you don't have Mutagenic Growth or Simic Charm in here! They're absolute staples in Infect!
I like the core idea of this deck, but considering that combo is your win-condition, I would have played harder into it with counterspells and methods of searching into it.Or gone harder into the Tribal aspect with Call to the Kindred, and really focused on having out Crabs and the cards that buff them. Still, not a bad idea! Nice work spotting that combo!
The Hydras aren't a bad idea, but I have concerns about how quickly a game of Modern format MtG can go and if that interaction is even legal because of the wording of Varolz.Unmarked Grave is EXACTLY what I was looking for though! Thanks for that suggestion.
Sounds good for a deck idea on its own! Might look into that one eventually. But, it's like I said before. This deck is more about getting just Death's Shadow into the grave than just using Varolz's ability.Love that WotC is supporting the meme themes though.
I have really been out of the game since Theros and Kahns. But for this type of deck I think that searching would be better than straight-up self mill. The only card that I really desire to mill is Death's Shadow, after all!
Dis ain't da propa Waaagh! becoz youz got no real Greenskins. Only da Gitz!
Asylum Visitor will be too inconsistent unless you're running a Discard deck. Read the Bones is also more than just a draw spell, it's got Scry. That lets you see if they'll be dead cards before drawing which is incredibly powerful.Cards in hand are a major advantage that you can't ignore. But if you're after more consistent draw, try looking at Phyrexian Arena instead.
Yeah, Defile would be a must since it works around Indestructible. Something that this deck lacks besides hoping something dies for Tragic Slip. Even with only 21 Swamps, it should be pretty nasty.Some draw such as Read the Bones would also go a long way in this deck too. This does really pain me to say, as a predominantly Black player too, but there is such a thing as too much removal. That's why with my old Rakdos deck, I have burn spells that can hit players/Planeswalkers as well as, if not more commonly, than hard removal.
Kavu's WAY too expensive for this deck, especially without ramp. Hordemaster is a decent suggestion, however I feel that its on death effect is more of a negative in this deck, as there would only be 8 Goblin creatures at best if I added it.I get where you're coming from with them, but they just don't quite fit the deck. Thanks for the suggestions though!
Yeah, unfortunately I couldn't think of any draw cards that would have been good in this deck.
I thought the Goat deck was a dead giveaway that I am the s0rinmark0v you described. The one with an actual Sorin profile picture. The genius who thought that using Illness in the Ranks in a token deck was a good idea.
Darkman, you can ask me anything that only Sorin would know.If it proves it to you, my favourite deck that I ever posed here was my Goat deck based off Vampires, life gain creatures like Healer of the Pride and of course, Trading Post. I still have that deck, in all its terrible and fun jank glory. The only change I'd make to the deck is swapping out all 12 Guildgates for Shocklands if they weren't so expensive.I took a break from MtG because I didn't have money, had just finished school and didn't have anyone to play with except people who had more money in single cards than my entire decks. I lost my Sorin account because that was also tied to my school email address that got deleted almost 10 years ago now. In the inbetween time, I have dived very heavily into Warhammer 40,000 and was really into the Force of Will TCG before that flopped in my area.Thanks for the suggestion of Zulaport though! One thing that I would like to try with this deck is having a lot of dual option cards, or at least dual effects. And considering, I've been looking at slightly beefier things for the midrange, I forgot about dealing with aggro. Ironically my favourite strategy too.
I wasn't really trying to focus more on the mill side of the deck, even if it does really ramp into Consuming Aberration. I'm also way to deep into other game systems, such as Warhammer 40,000 to spend heaps of money on Magic, so budget options are always worth it. That being said, Vantress Gargoyle does seem alright as a 5/4 with Flying for 2 is really strong.The reason I was considering Thought-Thief originally was more for the Flash and by the time I cast him, I should already have his +1/+0 ability active.Without knowing the Pioneer meta, Hero's Downfall was added purely as a consistent and catch-all removal card. But if legendary creatures and Planeswalkers aren't popular, then that'll be a good change!Thanks for the input though, and I'll look into grabbing Thought-Thief because he seems really good, especially if I decide to switch to a Rogue deck!
Hey, Northern! It's been a couple of years since I've been here.You would have known me before as s0rinmark0v.I'm back. I lost the account that my original account was tied to because it was an old, OLD school email that was deleted about a decade ago.Good to see you're still making heaps of decks. I look forward to working with you again.
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