So, you need the perfect hand of 2 Gemstone Caverns, Flash, another blue card and Protean Hulk while going 2nd in order to get a perfect win.One thing I'll give this idea is that if you can pull it off, it's quite a good strategy!
So a few things here.1) The main deck should be 99 cards, not 100.2) If I remember correctly, that's NOT how Muldrotha's ability works. It's a passive that isn't reset when you blink Muldrotha.3) I don't see this as approaching cEDH levels because while most people call it a mindset when playing, this deck lacks just about all cEDH interaction that you would expect to find in a typical deck.You have some cool ideas, but this probably won't get you the results you're expecting.
The issue with The One Ring, besides the obvious card draw or the fact that is since it's Legendary, it could be easily reset, is that you can activate the Protection from Everything ability multiple times throughout a game of Modern.
Is Modern FUN again? Probably not quite what it used to be though. The format as a whole is still ruled by whatever Modern Horizons set was last released.But that being said, this should help open things up again. Amulet Titan is absolutely going to make a return as a deck, or at least it will for testing initially. With Delirium becoming a more prevalent mechanic, Faithless Looting is a very welcome return.I am honestly surprised that Jegantha was banned, since it wasn't a massive issue compared to The One Ring, but after considering it for 5 seconds, I get it. If your deck is just full of single pip cards, like the Prowess deck I've versed, then it's just an auto-include to just use in case of a grind-out game.Splinter Twin is the absolute shock of this wave of changes though! I don't think this was on anyone's list of things to happen.If I had unlimited access to whatever cards I wanted, I'd be keen to make some sort of artifact deck with Mox Opal and/or Eldrazi Ramp with Green Sun's in there.
If I were you, I'd track down an Abyssal Persecutor to replace Silent Arbiter with. You should be giving away MORE creatures and Goading them to fight the other players at the table with. Not to mention that if you get out and copy Abyssal Persecutor, gifting it to a second player, then it ends up being one of the funniest games out there!Unless of course, you're Spice8Rack.
It doesn't reduce both X costs, it only reduces one. Since it has a double-X cost, you have to pay DOUBLE X which means that if you have two Thaumaturges, then yes it is free.However, any competent player will not let you have 2 Thaumaturges on the battlefield if they've constructed their deck properly. And you have zero counter-magic to protect anything you have.Yeah, it also works with Baral's Expertise and Icy Blast. That's fine, that's a great synergy. But you're off when it comes to Mass Manipulation.
Mass Manipulation is honestly a terrible card for this deck, as it's a minimum cost of SIX in order to gain control of ONE creature or Planeswalker, in a deck with zero ramp and only 20 lands.And yes, I get that Thamaturge makes it only one mana per card, but it's still 5 to cast on one target.
If you remember any of the names, then you can access them.Just replace the username and deck name in the URL and you can find them.
Have you given any thoughts as to what could be placed in the sideboard and what match-ups would be your downfall? Something like Damping Sphere or Trinisphere would be wonders against Ruby Storm, and Void Mirror is an option for anything Tron.
Thing is that I was actually trying to build a deck FOR Broken Reality! I've only cracked one Ulamog, but 2 or 3 Kozilek, so that's why he's in here. Otherwise, it'd just be another deck trying to ace out Ulamog asap.I'm also basically an MtG Boomer at this point, starting in Avacyn Restored. I'll always call it Tribal because Tribal is what it was called for years after I started. That and the tag is a well-used one on here.
That's fair. I should also probably stop posting late, after work and drinks.As for WotC as a company, f*ck 'em. Sending the PINKERTONS because of a seller selling the wrong products was more of a mistake than printing Nadu, Winged Wisdom. But there are talented individuals who are actually trying to make a good product. I've got the same thing with Games Workshop and Warhammer.I would also argue that a combination of an archetypal focus as well as general power creep destroyed Yugioh. Pure power creep did destroy the Force of Will TCG in my area though, which is a shame because as a card game system, it was very solid!
Ok, but it is a COMMON that you are comparing to a rare/mythic. And one of the most historically powerful ones out there to date.I will admit that the Bonesplitter comparison is actually a fair one though, but there is also another part to this that you might have missed and that is when WotC is tasked with making new cards, the more generic cards like Bonesplitter have already been made so WotC has to go and design new ones. With Draft being a huge focus at the time too, with Draft packs being a thing then, archetypal drafting was very prevalent within those sets.There is legitimate power creep in the game, if you look at cards like Ragavan or the Evoke elementals. I'd argue as well, if you wanted power creep too, the new Surveil lands are a straight-up creep on the Scry lands since they can be fetched with Fetchlands!Some cards are going to be heavily toned down from what other sets have had because the design space isn't there, but also because there has always been some really absurd stuff in old MtG, that has only gotten more powerful with new synergies forming with new set releases. Nobody thought that Mycosynth Lattice was THAT great until Karn, the Great Creator literally shut down decks. I'd never heard of Shuko until Nadu came in and non-deterministically looped a Commander pod I was in out of the game.So, no, I don't think that there's actual ANTI-Power Creep within MtG. I think it's more trying to create Draft archetypes to fill a box on a checklist and a limiting of design space now that generic cards have been made and have been around for so long.
I know this is 6 years later, but good news! Stoneforge Mystic got unbanned!
If you're going after raw mill, Perfected Mind is quite possibly the worst Jace out of the Mill ones. Memory Adept is far superior for destroying an opponent's deck, with the 0 ability being just mill 10 cards.And yes, I get that Perfected Mind can be 15 cards for 4 mana, but at that point I've seen Tasha's Hideous Laughter deal more to a Modern deck for only 3!
I've run Infect in Modern, and 12 creatures is low enough already. As for Inkmoth, it is a land first. Trust me when I say with only 8, you're very, VERY unlikely to find them consistently without Mulligans.
Karumonix is an absolute blessing for any rat themed deck. Not only does giving all rats Toxic 1 really make players sweat bullets, but the ETB trigger is also amazing if you stock the deck full of rats.
Get it up to two counters, since just about all the creatures are 2'sPlay them at instant speed at the end of the opponent's turn.Could work!
This does look like a more Goyf'd up version of my deck Delirious Ramblings, and I think that there's a good middle ground between the two there.I totally agree with Nethergoyf being in this deck, but it's Escape cost is essentially a Delirium ability, and without Artifacts like Mishra's Bauble, it can be a bit hard to proc. And yeah, I see the Capsule and Spellbomb, but that requires Urza's Saga to tick up 3 times to fetch one. That's more of a try it and see how it goes deal. (Also nice work seeing Enchantment Land as the card types!)Cards like Stitcher's Supplier are great as well for trying to mill into that sort of ability quickly, but I do also prefer to have Grisly Salvage too as a one-off mill card since it also grabs a creature or a land most of the time. If you wanted Salvage, I'd say probably swap the Inquisiton to the sideboard for them.It's also bit of a weird one, but if you have Delirium able to proc quickly and often enough, then Drag to the Roots is literally just a better Assassin's Trophy.This is also a personal preference, but I'd have more Unearths in a deck like this since you have 17 legal targets, 8 of which are your key strategy and 7 help boost them very quickly. Since you have Capsule, Fatal Push and Assassin's Trophy/Drag to the Roots as removal, I'd probably swap out the Go For the Throat for another 2 Unearth and 2 Trophy/Roots.I'd also work out a Sideboard since you don't have one if this is a competitive deck. I can always recommend cards to go in, but without knowing your local meta, it'll just be stabs in the dark.Hope this helps!
I'd consider adding in Ichorclaw Myr since 8 creatures and Inkmoth Nexus is a very, VERY low creature count. Even for a deck like Infect.
Also works with Agatha's Soul Cauldron too! But unfortunately, that combo is a bit too hard to pull off in Modern consistently or quickly enough.
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