Like I told NDRue, I didn't even really think about that. I appreciate you both helping me realize that, and it makes room for Mask of Avacyn in the deck! Now everyone else can shut up about hexproof. ;P I'd considered Cackling Counterpart, but I'd prefer just keeping the deck blue for now. Thanks for the suggestion though!
You make a valid point that I hadn't even considered, and if I only have two of him in the deck, that leaves way for Mask of Avacyn in the deck. Thanks man! And Just think about what I can do in Avacyn. 240+ cards? Me gusta :D
Read the description and see the sideboard. Thanks.
Thanks for the compliment on the deck, and while I want to comment on the other part, I will refrain to do so because MTGVault is a place for discussing decks and cards, not other stuff.
I know, I really need to put Thought Scour in there. However, the problem in the way of this is my horrid attachment to every card I put into a deck and how long it takes me to decide to take them out. I did get my Mana Leaks and Swiftfoot Boots for the side, though. That way I can rotate them in whenever I know I'll need them and I won't have to cry over taking a card out permanently. And yeah, I know, that's why I mention burn decks several times, because unless you do rotate in stuff from the side, it's gonna be a hard win. I've played against burn decks and surprisingly won a couple games, though, so it's not all that bad. Thanks for the comment and tips though buddy!
Taking a look at it now. :)
Thanks for the additional tips and cards. :D As you can see, I did put some non-block cards in the sideboard to appease everyone complaining about it. I will, however consider some of these other cards you mentioned. :D Gnaw to the Bone is a good card, but I discounted it due to the low amount of creatures I have in this deck. Though, once I'm done testing decks, I'll look back at your suggestions and see if any would fit in without me changing the color base of this deck (because I'd like to keep it just blue, though Hinterland Harbor isn't a bad idea...) I appreciate your help and accept your apology, only the first half sounded asshole-y, but it's okay, I sound like an asshole all the time myself. :P
You'd think I'd have more of a problem of that, but I've only lost to milling myself and having my lab maniacs die once from a Day of Judgement and once from a Go for the Throat.
Very valid point. I didn't think of that! The Phantasm you reveal would be untapped as well and could block for you if need be.
After reading the first half, I had considered just replying with "Okay, dad." or "Cool.", but upon reading the second half I decided against being a shitstain and decided to actually reply seeing that you were genuinely trying to help me and not just re-spewing the last 54 comments. Yes, I should add in Scars or M12 cards, but I'd honestly rather not get attached to them. I have no idea what they will and will not reprint in M13 from M12, and if Swiftfoot Boots is one they do, by all means, it'll go in there. I appreciate the suggestions and compliments, and my deck has played and won against Delver, RG Aggro, and BU control decks in both friendly and FNM games. I see people commenting with "how do you win with this deck?" and have no idea why they're having trouble and I'm not. Like I said before, if they reprint stuff that everyone says I need in M13, it'll go in. Also, this isn't my main deck, anyway. I don't put nearly as much thought into this as I do into my modern decks that I actually own. I made this so I could have a deck for standard, nothing else. It's already frontpaged on a deck design that standard as a silly whim and want to get back into FNM, so I'm not gonna complain or change what's made me frontpage. I appreciate the helpful feedback, however, and thank you for your genuine help and not just repeating what everyone else has.
Now it's where I originally wanted it to be. Idk what was up with MTGVault that night, but it's working fine now.
Delver and Mindshrieker are definitely my main two defenses, and while several people have complained about not having enough defense, I've found with my several retrieval spells, I have no problem keeping at least one of them out to defend myself, and between Mirror-Mad Phantasm, Increasing Confusion, and draw spells, I've found I'm able to mill myself generally quick enough to win. Like I've said many times before, if my opponent is lacking in aerial blockers, I ignore milling myself until they do and swing at them with my Delver, Phantasm, and Mindshrieker. Mirror-Mad Phantasm is definitely one of the shining gems in this deck, because on turn six, I can use his ability three times to mill myself. I can't speak for everyone using this deck, but I've personally had to problems with it.
Another major difference between your "self-mill" deck and mine; my low price is 115 less, my medium price is 130 less, and my high price is 140 less. You can create my deck for a much more reasonable price (mine was around the cost of an event deck, and works much better than they do) and yours costs more than a booster box. Just saying.
That's cute. I haven't had any problems with winning with him. While I appreciate all feedback and suggestions, this deck is based primarily around winning with him, so he SHOULD be my win condition. Thanks for your comment, and for using my deck to try and advertise your own. When your self-mill deck has 100+ likes, I'll use it as a template for my own.
Thank you so much! This is probably the nicest comment I've gotten on this deck so far. I appreciate the positive feedback, friend. And while not everyone here seems to be behind it, everyone has their own opinions for how to make any deck you put in front of them "better." This deck is by no means the epitome of winning in Magic, but it's not like I just slapped cards together. Thanks again, man! :)
I have Shimmering Grotto for that and have had no problems with being able to flash back any spell with a non-blue flashback so far.
I took your suggestion and because of my OCD and hatred of having a single non-legendary or planeswalker card in my deck, I took out one Runic Repetition and left in two Think Twice.
I didn't even think of Secrets of the Dead. Thanks for the suggestion! And also, thank you for the compliment. I personally think it does very well without green. :D
If they reprint it in M13 I'll change it. I'm not putting in any M12 or Scars block cards in this deck, as they will only be in Standard until October. Thanks for the suggestion, though. I may instead put Mask of Avacyn if I can decide what I want to take out, if anything. As I said in the other comments, this deck has worked well for me personally and I don't forsee any need to change it. Thanks, though.
Cool. Too bad this isn't a zombie mill deck, or yours might be of some use to me.
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