I like the design, but I'm not quite sure what the combo is, just thousands of 7/7 elementals? That seems about right. I can see a Coat of Arms being useful. Please check out my decks and comment.
Wow, I just figured out the Sins of the Past+Eye of the Storm combo. Rediculously expensive though. Please check out my decks and comment.
You need Dragonspeaker shamans, no keiga, less lands, dragonstorm, acceleration (rite of flame, seething song would do nicely) Tarox Bladewing, snow mountains instead of regular mountains. Yatta-yatta-yatta. You definately need creature removal as well, might I suggest Skred, Lightning Bolt, Shock, and Breaking Points? And please, I love Lava Axe, but it is completely useless here. Ditch it for a more affordable way to keep off the brink of death the whole time. Please check out my decks and comment.
Why does this deck seem so freakin' awesome? Could it be the almost complete lack of main deck removal? Please check out my decks and comment.
Maybe some lands. among other things. Otherwise, looks great! Please check out my decks and comment.
I can see no reason to not Maindeck Gravepact. Maybe you should. Please check my decks out and comment.
I thinks maybe a Seizan, The Perverter is in order. With his good friend Teferi's Puzzle Box. 2 More Underworld Dreams couldn't hurt, and I'd suggest you lose the Delirium Skeins and other self discard, focusing on things like Mind Rot, Mind Shatter, etc. Please check out my decks and comment.
I've seen many decks like this, and I must say, this may be the best. I was thinking about snakeform, but that just may be my sense of humor, (I've got lots of snakes, but you can have one too!). I think the only thing you need to consider is Endless Swarm's versatility, as it basically renders the rest of your deck and hand useless. +1. Please check out my decks and comment.
I like it. The fact that almost nothing is over CMC 2 is especially effective with Hokori. I would only suggest Crusade or Knight of Meadowgrain. Please check out my decks.
I'm only running cards in this deck, that I actually own. Unfortunately, I don't have the funds for Cryptic Command or Sleep.
Hey Kithkin Finks, Pact of negation. Sorry, I win again.
Yeah, but this is more of a theoretical deck. My chances of actually getting Goyf first turn and 6/7 is like .00005%.
Thanks. That sounds like a good edit.
This isn't a serious deck. if it was, I'd be running Thrumming Stone, some tutors and 4 Cabal Rituals instead of the extra dark rituals. Real my description before you post numbskull.
Consider the 0-turn win deck though. It wins with the right hand, but has a 95% chance of loss without that hand. Beats a sliver deck with the hand every time. Loses to everything about 50% of the time.
I like the concept, and have built similar decks, I think yours would work better than mine did, due to mana costs. Might I suggest Static Orb? Check my WTF? 1-turn-win deck please. And comment, I would appreciate it.
I'd highly recommend staying away from Ley-Lines. They are awful in most situations. Maybe siding in a few Gaia's Heralds instead (cheaper, and you can rid yourself of them if necessary) Mercy killing is a great idea, good thinking dragonchild. And finally: @xepherian: Glare is referring to the card Glare of Subdual Please look at and comment on my WTF? 1-turn-win deck.
Wow, I think Infernal is going around with his caps lock on and spamming. What a dolt. I really like this deck, and JovensFerrets can grow some cahones and realize that the grilled cheese still tastes good, no matter what age you are. In other words, BoW is cool whether or not you think so. I think you should throw some more tutoring in. Because you can never have too much in this kind of deck.
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