I like it, but I see one little problem, I see no quick win condition? What are you going to do against burn?
Roughneck, this is a BLACK deck. dknight, I forgot about AEther Snap, but thanks for reminding me, I'll pop that in now. Also, though Thornbite Staff is good, I still would like to avoid running too many creatures, as Stronghold Discipline will hurt more with more creatures.
I like this, except for I'd recommend swapping Decree of Pain for Damnation.
Gee, Wolftamer, what a useful comment. I think I'll check your deck right away...NOT! Visno, the reason it's so high cost is that it is designed for FFA, where I won't be directly targeted because of my threat level until later in the game. As well, the Aphetto Alchemists and the Time Vault, a powerful combo, are both quite cheap at 1U and 2 respectively and allow me to take all the time I need. As well, Time Walk is a mere 1U, and Mox Sapphire is present, allowing me to drop UU first turn. I also have Sleep, Fabricate, and Tinker just to tutor for the many win conditions in this deck. Once it survives early game, it generally wins, although I haven't tested enough yet, (It's presently 3 for 4, the loss being against a fast burn deck in 1v1). I appreciate your comment, but please post constructive criticism with advice for improvements, not just vague criticisms that I can't use. Thank you both for posting.
Also! I almost forgot: Add some Bottomless pits, and I agree with Foxhound in that you should cut the deck down to 60. Keep your decks trim, and they get better by the chances of drawing the key cards for combos.
Please check out my I EAT YOUR DAYS deck and comment.
I highly suggest some of the other specters. Evacuation would be devastating in combo with Megrim and Warped Devotion. I am excited to see another one of these decks running off with a unique twist, and hope my comments help you out, DickChuckJack.
Actually Foxhound, the deck structure is either 24/24/12 or 24/12/24 as Lands/Creatures/Non-Creatures. As well, the chances that Player B in your example has the ability to drop 4 instants in a turn is very small assuming they are playing a normal deck. If they are running blue, they just counter, otherwise, they probably have burn. You should probably realize that this deck functions very well, but has a few card choice issues. Mainly I suggest that Cephalid Broker and Looter be exchanged for better slot cards.
I like it, but Unearth, while useful, is a little wasteful. I'd like to see more green recursion, like Nature's Spiral. Other than that, I see no problems with this deck. Please check out my I EAT YOUR DAYS deck and comment.
Well, aside from the fact that you can't run this deck until Zendikar comes out, I like it. Try to use more printed cards though, it's annoying when you have to look up visual spoilers to find a card in a deck list. Constructive Comments: I think this deck would work well with Coat of Arms. I suggest more cards to create Threshold, if only for Nut Collector and Krosan Beast. I like Harrow and Crop Rotation, but Crop Rotation is a little ineffective when you could easily run Sylvan Scrying. Flashback is self destructive in a deck as concerned with Threshold as this one, but I doubt it's going to hurt you that much when it's only 1/15 of your deck. Good work. Please check out my I EAT YOUR DAYS deck and comment.
Oops, wrong card. There is a goblin somewhere that deals 2 to target creature when it goes unblocked.
Well done. Very inventive, I like it. I suggest some spot removal though, perhaps some burn? Lightning Bolt and Incinerate would work well in this deck, (They leave enough leftover mana for the firebreathings). I would love to see some Terminates, but with no black, i don't see it unless you added a lot of black. So that's not great, but I suggest some 'when ~ isn't blocked, do [something awesome]' effects, like Skirk Marauder. Cool idea, well done, and keep it up! Please check out my I EAT YOUR DAYS deck and comment.
Downside to this combo: The game ends in a tie. You don't win because they don't lose, they can't do anything in response because the Lich's Mirror and Rain of Gore triggers are always happening. Game is a draw and you're left with no victory other than the sense of victory you get when you get the combo going. I love this deck though: keep it up! Please check out my I EAT YOUR DAYS deck and comment.
The only real issue I see is that when you get the Mycosynth Lattice+March of the Machines combo out, all lands get sacrificed due to having no power or toughness. I suggest having some mana generators other than lands. Check out my I EAT YOUR DAYS deck and comment.
Rolling Stones serves no purpose. Mountain Stronghold serves no purpose. You'd better give them one.
Pair that up with Forced Fruition, and Ancestral Recall.
Haha. I can see it now...first turn, you do lots of stuff..."grapeshot?", to which I would reply with, "Force of Will, I take 1." Next turn. You deck.
I think you should definitely throw in Memory Sluice, get rid of the Dreamborn Muse, because as it stands now, your deck likes having cards in hand, and their deck gets discard from Wistful Thinking. I would suggest running Memory Erosion, Telemin Performance, and Laquatus, because they are amazing millers. Dreamborn Muse may benefit from Forced Fruition, but as it stands, Forced Fruition is far more versatile, not to mention it doesn't hurt you. I would also suggest Arcanis, just because he's cool.
Nope. Just rechecked the text. I am wrong, ignore the above post timestamped 23 Sep 2009 23:17 UTC.
Also, the oracle text on Time Vault prevents the Aphetto Alchemist+Time Vault neverending turn combo from working. You'd need R&D's Secret Lair in play to do it.
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