You can fetch EOT and play them tapped though, and you'll untap with them.You don't need to hurt yourself every time you play a shockland. That's kind of why they're good.
I disagree with you a bit. I'd say run Windswept for sure, cut back on a few basics for more fetches and actually more shocks (maybe just two Godless Shrines). On of the advantages to running shocks and fetches is that any fetch can get you any shock, so running check lands is kind of unnecessary. You also don't want to get too greedy with your mana base since there's no actual red in the deck and Blood Moon is always something to look out for.I do agree with added Thoughtsieze into the side though.
Atarka's Command isn't control-y enough for the deck, I feel. I love the card but I'm not sure how relevant it is for me.Scavenging Ooze on the other hand is certainly a decent pick. Especially against stuff like Living End and Dredgevine. Into the side he goes.
I'm not really going for tokens specifically. I'm also not a huge fan of Bitterblossom in most decks.
In a format dominated by lightning bolts, being at 1 life is pretty much the end no matter what.There was one game I was in a Delver mirror, my opponent didn't have bolt, we were both at 1 life, he played a swiftspear and I killed him with Vapor Snag. You never know. But yeah, Connections is nice because you get to pick if you want to do it, but overall Arena is better since it's not tied to a land. Appreciate you taking my advice either way. Good luck with the deck man.Also, Inquisition of Kozilek is a really good card. I'd recommend it. Also, Slaughter Pact might be something to consider. Usually just as a 1-of, 2-of at most.
It's less of making dudes than it is the raw value I get out of Huntmaster. He makes men, gains me life and when he flips deals damage and kills dudes. Creakwood is great, just not the best for the deck imo.
If this is for modern, Underworld Connections should definitely be Phyrexian Arenas.
Vines of Vastwood and/or Aspect of the Hydra might be something to consider. Vines is protection and buff, Apsect is just a huge buff. You've got a lot of double and even triple green so Aspect of the Hydra would but a HUGE pump to whoever you put it on.
You should add in Chief Engineer and make this deck blue, maybe blue/red. Red give you Galvanic Blast as well as Shrapnel Blast.One of the best things you can do is run Darksteel Forge along with Chief Engineer and convoke out the Forge with Ornithopters and other 0 cost artifact creatures. Sprahnel Blast is a great way to respond to a creature of yours getting targeted with removal, as you can sacrifice it in response to get some damage in. You could also put in Scuttling Doom Engine for some BIG damage with Shrapnel Blast. I'd ditch Golden Urn, Mirror Works, Manor Gargoyle, Rusted Slasher, and Stuffy Doll. Even though some of these cards are a lot of fun, they aren't very practical. I'd replace them with some of the cards I mention above.
Gavony Township is a pretty good gun.
Pretty solid list man, good job. Really the only thing I could suggest is maybe some hand disruption in the form of Thoughtsieze and Inquisition of Kozilek. Good deck is good.
Yeah, I know a guy who plays warriors in Standard and his Strike Leader has near single-handedly won him games, or at least done some serious work.
Agreed, some of those lands should be burn or burn accessories.
I feel like your manabase is good enough that you can get away with the Chief in there.Against control your life total isn't as much of an issue so you can get away with a couple Thoughtsieze I feel. But yeah, sounds good. Good luck, man.
I tried two Sliver decks, Jund and BUG. Jund is what I stuck with, but BUG is very good as well. So what you'd want to do is go with four galeriders, four manaweft, maybe three diffusions, syphons are pretty good maybe three of those. Noncreature you can stick in some removal spells like Vapor Snag and/or Go for the Throat. If for some reason you feel like spending $40 you can use 4 Abrupt Decays because they're insanely good but you're budget so ignore that. Of course, you can add Tainted Strike as I mentioned.
I'd replace a couple mountains with a Monastery Swiftspear.
One thing you might want to consider is cutting it down to 3 colours. I made a sliver deck in standard when m14 and m15 were around together and it did pretty well. As long as you have green, you can keep in a Hivelord and use Chord of Calling to fetch for it. Doing that in response to a board wipe is extremely satisfying. I'd say green for sure, probably blue, and the third colour is up to you. Blue has really good value in stuff like Galerider and Diffusion. Green has your manafixing/ramp with Manaweft/Gemhide as well as your poison dude. Cutting down to three colours also allows you to have a more consistent creature base and an easier mana base. Sliver Hive is a must have and I'm pretty sure is dirt cheap now. When you only have 3 colours, you can also make your manabase mostly Khans gainlands and/or guildgates along with a few basics here and there. Also, some of the checklands (the ones that enter untapped if you control a land that's half of it) are really cheap. The only one I can think of that's more than $5 is Sulfur Falls. Also, if you'd like I can suggest some non-creature spells if you want if you cut down to 3 colours. Tainted Strike fits with the poison theme and could end a game pretty quickly if a bigger body gets through, but that's only if you keep black.
That new Warrior token card is pretty sick. I'd suggest giving that a look.Also, the sideboard should maybe have some discard in it to put in against control (Inquisition of Kozilek and Thoughtsieze being your two strongest options)Also, if you can afford them, Leyline of Sanctity will make burn players pretty much scoop. Leyline of the Void is also good but that's mostly just if you have Storm, Dredgevine, or Living End to deal with.I'd also switch out Hidden Dragonslayer for Chief of the Edge. The +1 power can really help you get there and Dragonslayer feels too slow of the format. However, if you ever got to flip Dragonslayer to kill a Goyf it'd be the funniest thing ever. Outside of that, the deck seems surprisingly strong. Bramblewood Paragon seems pretty insane.
You should also slam in Butcher of Malakir and the new dragon, Ruthless Deathfang for extra sacrificing. Deathfang unfortunately is target player, but it's still decent.
You might want to take a look at some of the new stuff Dragons of Tarkir brought it, mostly in the realm of the Exploit stuff. If anything, stick the new Sidisi in here because getting to tutor every turn is pretty insane. Also, check out my Marchesa deck if you want and we can bounce off some ideas. Mine is more focused on sacrificing my own stuff and clearing the board with Grave pact and abusing ETBs and such. Yours has a bit of that too, but seems to be a bit more aggressive.
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