
98 Decks, 82 Comments, 16 Reputation

Good advice. I'll try to make room for Gift of Immortality. Grafted Wargear is a maybe, Angelic Accord is a card I totally looked over. I'll also put that on the maybe list. Chaos Warp can also backfire, I run it in monored or Red/X decks that have lesser removal, but I personally think O-Ring is fine.
Thanks for the suggestions!

Posted 29 February 2016 at 10:17 in reply to #576387 on EDH Stoutarm Is An Actual Gun


Trust me, after the amount of games I've played Cruise is not too expensive.
FNM is short for Friday Night Magic. It's a weekly event game stores host. The store I play at does standard tournaments as one of the formats, so far I've 4-0'd 3 of them with this deck and also went 3-1 at gameday.

Posted 17 February 2016 at 08:14 in reply to #574837 on Standard Izzet Prowess SlamJam


Absolutely not. The grave fills super fast between the fetch lands and all the spells I cast. And it's extremely important to constantly fuel my hand. And keep in mind, I don't always need to delve down to one. 2 or 3 mana for a draw three is still pretty good.

But thanks! It's been doing really well for me. Both FNMs I played it at I 4-0'd.

Posted 09 February 2016 at 21:57 in reply to #574837 on Standard Izzet Prowess SlamJam


You should look into pauper. That's basically "the budget format".

Posted 29 December 2015 at 15:59 in reply to #571309 on Budget Mondern - fun Spiders


It's kind of neat but I don't see it as anywhere near competitive. I just seems kind of slow and clunky. Easy to race and easy to disrupt.

Posted 29 December 2015 at 05:43 as a comment on Budget Mondern - fun Spiders


Interesting idea. I might try that out.

Posted 04 November 2015 at 18:51 in reply to #566805 on Mizzix, 1v1 Combo Gun


Honestly, I don't really know if Doubling Season is that necessary here. It feels kind of "win more" you know? I think you should go up to 4 Bolts. Also, as much as I love Atarka's Command, it doesn't make much sense to me aside from the fact that it let's you play another land. If you're really going for a control or midrange type strategy I feel like you just generally need more removal. Aside from that I like the idea of the deck a lot.

Posted 21 October 2015 at 10:47 as a comment on Control and Conquer


Yeah! It was awesome! I'm a big fan of the moon so I watched the whole thing.

Posted 19 October 2015 at 15:27 in reply to #565512 on The Rakdos Moon [Modern]


I'm personally not a fan of Desecration Demon. Also, I think Thoughtsieze should be somewhere in the 75.
Aside from those minour gripes I like this deck a lot. Basically like Blue Moon only, black. Black Moon. Or rather, a New Moon. You should totally call this deck New Moon.

Posted 19 October 2015 at 00:38 as a comment on The Rakdos Moon [Modern]


I built a deck similar last standard only it was Constellation rather than Rally. But yeah, definitely get the nonbasics in there. Not getting land drops is one thing, but not getting the RIGHT lands is extremely frustrating. If you don't want to go the route of Rally the Ancestors, you should still run Zulaport Cutthroat as it gives you a lot of staying power and makes combat a bit trickier for your opponent. In general I think you'd want to run more than 18 creatures.

Posted 14 October 2015 at 19:42 in reply to #565040 on Ally-Agro-Rally - Need Help


I'd absolutely run Rally the Ancestors. You could even just replace March from the Tomb since Rally the Ancestors can catch all of your creatures by paying 5. What you could do is include Zulaport Cutthroat and something like Nantuko Husk or another creature with mana cost 3 or less that allows you to sacrifice your creatures to leach more life with your Zulaport Cutthroats. It'd be a really neat combo to pull off. If you don't want to rely on the combo you could keep March from the Tomb as it would still work well in your deck. You also definitely want to get some multicolour lands. Ally Encampment is great for you, since you're an Ally themed deck. There are also non-rare multicolour lands you can use to fix your manabase that are from Khans of Tarkir block. I'd also recommend a Shambling Vents or two, as well as some number of Caves of Koilos. One more thing, I would run no more than 22 lands.

Posted 14 October 2015 at 08:32 as a comment on Ally-Agro-Rally - Need Help


Yo man you need some better mana fixing for real man. Slam some Steam Vents in there, maybe a Sulfur Falls or two. Scalding Tarns of course would be ideal, but if you can't afford them you can get away with running three Flooded Strand, since you're mostly blue and can still fetch for Steam Vents. I'd also recommend Remand and Electrolyze. The fact that they replace themselves with a card draw is extremely useful. I'd cut back on Thought Scours as they aren't super great for you without any Delve cards. Maybe only two of them. Also, if you can afford them, Snapcaster Mage is super good in Delver decks. You can get away with only using two of them if you don't want to get a playset.

Posted 14 October 2015 at 08:25 as a comment on Another Delver Deck


what are you?

Posted 14 October 2015 at 08:02 as a comment on Waifu's Adorable Tokens


Zealous Persecution is a pretty good gun. I also adore Ash Zealot and Chandra's Phoenix, I think those wouldn't be too bad here.
Also, Malignus makes my dick hard so I'm glad that's in here. Aside from that looks solid.
Oh oh oh, Vampire Nighthawk is a good goon. More like Vampire Nightshrek. Shrekhawk?

Posted 25 September 2015 at 07:35 as a comment on Alesha, Who Smiles at Shrek


I guess it's worth mentioning that 1v1 gets pretty competitive at where I play since it's our secondary FNM format. So generally we go all-out on decks, and for most of us, our 1v1 decks are seriously only built for 1v1. Because of that spot removal and single-target stuff are plentiful and something to keep note of. Because of that, being careful in a deck like this is kind of a necessity.

Posted 31 August 2015 at 03:32 in reply to #560451 on EDH Skithiryx Guns


While those cards are fun, this deck isn't exactly designed to be "fun" in the whacky sense. It's a 1v1 control deck. I'm not sure how much you know about 1v1 Commander but it's typically very cutthroat. Because of that, there's sadly not much room for cards like this.
I appreciate all of your input though, so thanks.

Posted 30 August 2015 at 17:47 in reply to #560451 on EDH Skithiryx Guns


The ramp is for assurance. Typically I want to be able to play Skittles and be able to regenerate him the turn I play him just in case. It's a control deck, so when I play my wincon I want extra mana open to be able to play answers.

Posted 30 August 2015 at 17:45 in reply to #560449 on EDH Skithiryx Guns


Street Wraith digs and thins the deck, which is more important. I'd be quicker to add Gitaxian Probe in that case. I have another deck that's closer to what you might be thinking of. The point of the deck is more so to keep the big damage around rather than have a lot of temporary damage so the cards you listed, while good, don't quite fit in. Street Wraith is also a creature which can still be relevant even though I'm typically only going to cycle it. Also, chaining creatures is pretty important if I have to go wide. Relying too much on just the Storm Entity can be very risky.
Either way, thanks for the input!

Posted 24 August 2015 at 17:25 in reply to #559830 on Modern Storm Aggro Guns


Thanks for the suggestions. They all seem like they could potentially make their way into the deck. Lurking Predators is probably the most likely to make it in.

Posted 07 August 2015 at 17:27 in reply to #558317 on EDH Sachi Surge Primal Gun


Thanks. Fleshbag was an interesting choice, yeah. A lot of that decision was based around fighting Geist and Boggle. I don't feel bad trading away a smaller, possibly less relevant hatebear for a 3/1 that also helps deal with a huge threat. Also, it's better for my removal to be creatures because of stuff like Thalia. Plus, Flickerwisp tech is pretty real. It depends on how it plays in my local meta. It might get replaced with Eidolon of Rhetoric or Spirit of the Labyrinth.
The deck is freshly brewed, still needs some testing. I appreciate your input.

Posted 13 July 2015 at 20:53 in reply to #556144 on Modern Orzhov HateMan Slam Jam


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