
50 Decks, 178 Comments, 291 Reputation

It was quite the crazy and wonderful wedding. Although upon waking up this morning I have found various suspect bruises and other injuries. What exactly happened last night?

May I also add, it now occurs to me your honeymoon will begin on December 21st…Smart man.

Posted 20 December 2013 at 21:01 as a comment on I'M MARRIED! :D


The way that I have things set up, the only two cards I /really/ need ET for are Ghostly Prison and Blind Obedience. Truth be told I use the tutor for other things too, but having only those two truly needing its help alleviates a good deal of the pressure to have four. An additional thing to do with ET or any tutor for that matter is to not think of it as a separate card, but as additional copies of the cards it tutors for. As far as probability is concerned, this is essentially true. There are typically few situations that call for a full playset of ET, and I tend to design my decks so that I stray away from that anyway.

Posted 09 December 2013 at 23:10 in reply to #418696 on The Jester


Always read the cards, especially in EDH. That card is in there for a reason, so make sure you understand what that reason is.

Posted 23 November 2013 at 21:38 in reply to #414741 on Voodoo Lady


Shame I missed it. I hope to get back to playing at the shop more regularly, but that is rather uncertain until winter break starts for Jen. We still have yet to unpack a vast majority of our things since she has been so burdened with teaching and I so busy with Christmas financing.

Posted 20 November 2013 at 01:17 in reply to #413499 on Voodoo Lady


Ashiok looks like a good bit of fun, especially if you can pull off his (her?) ultimate with well-stocked hands and graveyards.

Posted 19 November 2013 at 04:24 as a comment on Voodoo Lady


While I share a love of that card, I think it would be unwise to add it to this particular deck.

Posted 15 November 2013 at 00:19 in reply to #412043 on Stax Pox


How so? If you are confused about the layout, it is for a specific gametype known as EDH or Commander.

Posted 02 November 2013 at 02:11 in reply to #408682 on In Deep


I clicked upon this deck with the full intention of posting the rest of the speech, yet when I scroll down to do so, my hopes are dashed by the ever-apparent deck description which houses the speech. Well then I suppose a haiku about this deck will have to suffice.

Counter my whole deck
May I please play this card? No?
My mood is befowled

Posted 02 November 2013 at 02:09 as a comment on Alas, poor Yorick!


Well I can no longer look at Emrakul the same way ever again, so thank you for that gents.

I must say, Vendillion Clique in conjunction with Show and Tell is exquisite, well done.

Posted 01 November 2013 at 01:17 as a comment on I have seen enough hentai


Explain to me, if you even can, just how in the hell StifleNought is the one known as "Realist". Otherwise a well designed deck. I typically see counter suites of 9 or 10 at the most. I must say using 11 is quite the Coúp dè Grâce, but I think it works.

Posted 18 October 2013 at 05:01 as a comment on Realist


I must say I have never seen the use of Demonic Taskmaster in a Pox sideboard. If it is used for what I think it is, then you have discovered a rather ingenious inclusion for your sideboard. I personally never use more than 2 Pithing Needles, but I believe that to be a result of preference and the constraints of one's metagame as well. I am going to have to play with a proxy of this deck you have. To be quite honest it seems very good, but for some reason the full playset of Bitterblossom is nagging at me. I need to figure out why.

Posted 18 October 2013 at 04:53 as a comment on Exposure


In addition, I have just uploaded the deck's mighty sideboard, something I am rather proud of. I believe it contains answers to your concerns. And yes, thank you most dearly for the suggestion of Entomb. It has been quite the boon to my deck.

Posted 18 October 2013 at 04:44 in reply to #404882 on A method of madness


I appreciate your input, especially because it was mainly the landbase I was hoping to get a second opinion about. I also like the idea of Entomb...though I'm unsure if I want two or one, or just to keep it as an interesting idea. Hmmm, I have some finagling to do.

///edit: There we are. If you wouldn't mind, tell me what you think of the changes.

Posted 17 October 2013 at 21:36 in reply to #404882 on A method of madness


It's a means to wipe the board that stops everything Meekstone can't handle...though as always the ever prominent Tarmogoyf has a few windows between the two where it is free to riddle you with much consternation (a good time to use Orim's Chant). In addition, with thopter tokens (via the ever-so-amusing Sword and Foundry trick) serving as a much relied upon win condition, it allows for a sweep of the battlefield that keeps your army alive. Other such sweeping spells would otherwise ruin your efforts entirely.

It's bloody good to have you back my friend, for many reasons. However, as it stands I do wish to bother you to look at my most recent Pox list, 'A method of madness'. You see, it is a hybrid of traditional Pox and Stax frameworks and I know you have experience with both. Your opinion and insight would be most welcome.

Posted 17 October 2013 at 02:29 in reply to #404756 on Why yes


I had a feeling you were going to add him in, there are so many benefits to Erebos for this deck.

Posted 01 October 2013 at 16:48 in reply to #400460 on Truth is...


I keep thinking this deck of yours would do quite well to have Erebos included.

Posted 30 September 2013 at 22:10 as a comment on Truth is...


I have not considered splashing, but if I were to splash, the two colors I would lean towards are White and Blue. Both colors offer their own tricks to further invoke that lockdown that is desired, but more in the scope of Prison than mana denial. The way Pox and Stax decks work, and by extension hybrids of the two, is that they make it impossible for the opponent to play the game. The opponent will have next to nothing in his hand, and what he does have will be unplayable, or if it can be played, will have no impact on the game whatsoever. They are crushing decks to play against. By introducing a new color to the mix, you remove an element of that mana denial, and instead introduce lockdown and preventative or REactive aspects. This is fine for building a Prison deck, like I mentioned earlier, but not so for a Pox or Stax design. All that aside, the real use of Undiscovered Paradise is that it can be looped with Crucible of Worlds and Raven's Crime.

Excuse the wall of text but I am indeed passionate about the subject and I would appoint myself to be somewhat of an expert on it as well. SWN pointed you in the right direction.

Now, on the subject of reducing the budget. If you take a look at my list here, a simple way to cut out roughly half the deck's cost is to remove the two copies of The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale. It's a lovely and powerful land, but its price is staggering, and that's nothing to say of its inherent difficulty to track down (It took me five years to get my second one). That is about all I can offer in the way of budget cuts, sorry. I will take a peek at your deck in due time.

Posted 17 September 2013 at 04:59 in reply to #397260 on A method of madness


Bloody shit this accursed laggy internet of mine. Dismiss this double-post.

Posted 10 September 2013 at 05:23 in reply to #395591 on Not the size...


In addition, Thrull Parasite is in this deck mainly for its Extort ability. You see, this deck is known as a "chisel" deck. One that controls, and then slowly but surely kills an opponent by, as the name implies, chiseling away at their life.

I have to disagree with you on a number of fronts to be honest. I can explain them all if you so wish, but at the moment I'm not very motivated to do so (Scotch will do that). I will say that I quite enjoy the suggestions of Augur of Skulls and Big Game Hunter however, so thank you for those.

Posted 10 September 2013 at 05:23 in reply to #395591 on Not the size...


A land should not cost 400 odd dollars, I don't care how good it is. It's a bleeding land!

Posted 08 September 2013 at 07:49 in reply to #394873 on Transdermal Celebration


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