
50 Decks, 178 Comments, 291 Reputation

I enjoy what I see, but I must say I find a distinct problem with Planar Birth. You have only a smattering of basic lands, so it will oft be a burden more than helpful.

Posted 13 June 2014 at 02:47 as a comment on Alpha and Omega


Splendid! I will be sure to give it a look over.

Posted 10 June 2014 at 23:56 in reply to #471151 on Because I don't like you.


I think one of the most powerful tricks this deck, or this general specifically, has on offer is that Nezumi Shortfang's ability works at instant speed. There is a very good reason almost no discard effects are instant speed. If he times it correctly, which I know he will (the bastard), he can force you to effectively skip a turn and at the same time, trigger Nezumi Shortfang to flip. This even works if someone manages to kill off Stabwhisker, as he will return to the Command Zone as Shortfang. At that point in the game it is likely the opponent is top decking, which means another instant-speed discard will create another lock-out and Stabwhisker is back in the game.

And that, all you little chitlins, is why instant speed discard effects are (thankfully) extremely rare.

Posted 29 May 2014 at 06:10 as a comment on Despite all my rage...


Welcome back, it's about bloody time.

Posted 24 May 2014 at 01:14 as a comment on Fæddur Eldfjalls


That is actually a rather brilliant idea, thank you.

Posted 06 May 2014 at 07:18 in reply to #461678 on Not the size...


Why is it that our conversations so commonly derail toward discussions of food?

Posted 29 April 2014 at 04:13 in reply to #459346 on "If I am mad, it is mercy!"


Magus of the Disk is so bloody dirty with Athreos, I think I need a shower.

Posted 29 April 2014 at 00:42 as a comment on "If I am mad, it is mercy!"


That makes sense, I'm glad to hear Talrand is on the useful side of things.

Posted 06 April 2014 at 00:10 in reply to #447160 on Ephara EDH


The one grinning from ear to ear was our shop's owner, Karl. He is a good person at heart, but damn if he isn't the least sympathetic bastard alive. From the register he shouted, "Hey crybaby, try not to get my play mats all soggy!"

Posted 02 April 2014 at 06:35 in reply to #452079 on Griefer's Wet Dream


I think what is most interesting is you are one of the very few people to have figured out how I ended up with that particular layout. You are a very cleaver bloke, I must say.

I gave the second UP a try and it worked beautifully. Thank you friend.

It was, in a sense, amazing. Unfortunately my triumph was overshadowed by how bleedin awkward it was to have a grown ass man blubbering away like a ninny half a table away from you.

Posted 02 April 2014 at 00:47 in reply to #452079 on Griefer's Wet Dream


Ah yes, Jen always tells me each freckle represents a stolen soul.

Posted 02 April 2014 at 00:32 in reply to #451971 on Griefer's Wet Dream


Quite the contrary, it is my wife who is the ginger.

Posted 01 April 2014 at 21:02 in reply to #451971 on Griefer's Wet Dream


// I looked over both lists, and I must say that while the previous (i.e., public) list would, indeed, likely gain from a secondary Tar Pit, this list is fine with just one.

// Personally I dislike running 4 Wastelands, but I believe we have been over that before.

// Flusterstorm, to me, is almost always just a sideboard option. I would replace it with a third Spell Pierce to round out your package.

// I am going to assume the reason behind the single copies of Gatekeeper and Fleshbag is to test out the viability of each one. While Fleshbag is, indeed, easier to cast with the land base, Gatekeeper offers staying power. It would be interesting to see which one works better for you. I must admit I have a bias towards Fleshbag. It is, I must say, one of my favorite zombies and I like to think of myself as a connoisseur of zombies.

// I would drop down to two Bobs. I haven't a single reason for this, it just 'feels' right.

Well I believe that covers everything. If you have any additional queires, feel free to ask. Now, if you don't mind me asking a favor, I recently posted an old deck of mine and would like to see your opinion on it. It's called "Griefer's Wet Dream". Thank you.

Posted 01 April 2014 at 06:36 as a comment on Eclectic medleys


I must inquire into the purpose of Sun Titan in your list. I'm curious as well towards the reason behind only three Narcos instead of a full four.

Posted 22 March 2014 at 04:52 as a comment on LED Dredge, or how to be hated


I echo both sentiments, though I would like to say I dislike the use of Talrand. I think the spell count is just on the edge between enough and too little. Either Talrand will give you a fine army or he will remain an anemic 2/2 for 4. I could be wrong about this, but I felt I should express my concern. Otherwise a lovely deck my friend.

Posted 14 March 2014 at 04:26 as a comment on Ephara EDH


Mindcensor and/or Arbiter might still be worth at least testing. They could come in quite useful.

Posted 10 March 2014 at 02:55 as a comment on Squawk squawk squawk


No, I actually have little care in the regards of Griselbrand's effect on balance and such, that kind of thing always eventually levels itself out. What I hate is that in a game that celebrates complexity and an individual's flare, where decks can differ on the very whim of their creator, this /one/ card has brought a bland monotone to countless decks. Decks that were once so varied and interesting now simply run Griselbrand. It's the stagnation of creativity that Griselbrand brought that I cannot stand.

Posted 03 March 2014 at 06:22 in reply to #443332 on Hell for the company...


Thank you, it is one of my favorites among my assorted tribal decks. I also agree, if you are to ask the favor of demons, you had best expect to give up something of your own in return. I was hoping to capture that aspect and flavor in this design and I think I managed to do so.

I personally cannot stand Griselbrand. I think it was a massive design mistake by wizards and I will stand by that indefinitely.

Posted 02 March 2014 at 22:57 in reply to #443332 on Hell for the company...


Thank you, I took some of your suggestions to heart. Also, before you or anyone else gets too ahead of themselves, the Tribal format in our shop is largely casual, so no need for tournament strategies and such.

As a side note, I decided to keep at least 2 Sickle Rippers in because I genuinely love the artwork and flavor text.

As a second side note, I really wish this deck wasn't shown as being black AND red, simply because of Kulrath Knight. The deck is truly mono-black, so it would be nice if the thumbnail reflected that.

Posted 02 March 2014 at 07:35 in reply to #443297 on Despair


Because the deck used to feature Ob Nixilis instead of Abhorrent Overlord. Thank you for reminding me to fix that.

Posted 27 February 2014 at 18:57 in reply to #442643 on Hell for the company...


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