I simply meant that I had no intention of using the 3 most expensive goblins in this deck - I agree that welder would make no sense here. I have the fetchlands because I read about them thinning out plain mana in the library so card draw is more helpful - I can survive on 4 mana and any more than 6 would be excessive. I really like Gempalm and Goblin Ringleader as well, but I think Browbeat and the fetchlands do enough for card advantage and it adds in the 5 damage effect as well (the lesser of two evils?) I can always make changes I suppose, but I'm not sure what I would replace.
Yeah that is what I aim to get from all my decks. MTG is a hobby, the purpose is to always have fun not always win. That is exactly how I hope the dragon will work in my deck, and I will test it out.
Interesting weenie deck but I simply can't agree with Whitesun's Passage. Why on earth do you need that card? I'd love your input for my goblin deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=229571
You have no Glint Hawk but you include the Idol? Seems strange, not sure why you wouldn't include both. I agree with joe, Angelic destiny is a brutal card but is it really that helpful in this deck? Also I strongly suggest you run a full 8 of the zendikar fetchlands. They will thin out the mana in your deck for a small price, which will allow you to get useful card draw rather than additional unnecessary mana. Give my goblin deck a peek: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=229571
Big fan of the Order of Whiteclay/Paradise Mantle Combo. Not sure Batwing is idea in this deck, but very fun all the same!
I really want to build an Illusions deck, but they just seem so unstable. Lord of the Unreal + Phantasmal Image/Phyrexian Metamorph/Cryptoplasm are necessary to stabilize the deck, otherwise it gets nowhere. Do you find that you can steadily ensure the super illusions aren't exploding? Because I have been told by others that it simply is not reliable enough. Any comment on my goblin deck would be awesome: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=229571
You don't need the white. You could consider Garruk Primal Hunter as well since his plus ability gives you tokens.
I would suggest that Goblin Grenade isn't worth its weight in multiplayer or single player Vintage. I suggest you try Goblin War Strike as well, so you don't cripple your defensive/offensive abilities doing 5 damage. Also, remember that the only format you can play Recruiter in is Vintage, and you can only run 1 (unless this is a casual deck). Any input for my goblins? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=229571
Oh god, four-colour Modern deck. This looks very fun, except that you are missing the crucial element of Splinter Twin in this Deceiver/Pest Twin deck. I'd love input for my goblins: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=229571
I'm ashamed to say that I don't see how you plan a turn 3 win with this deck unless my math has failed me and the weenie beats add to >20. I'd love input for my goblin deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=229571
Since it doesn't seem like you will be using Inkmoth for the infect, I would suggest you throw in some artifact lands instead. Other than that, I think this deck really need 3-4 Darksteel Forges to protect itself from evil cards like Austere Command and Fracturing Dust. Looks like a very fun deck to play. Any input for my goblin deck? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=229571
Very funny deck. I wish there were some way to add in Call to the Grave for even more lols, but I think that might ruin the synergy. Never seen a deck built like this before, does it play well in the actual game or is it just something fun to look at on paper? I'd love any input for my goblin deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=229571
Tunnelers are really there to get Instigator through. Sharpshooter + Collar is instant board clearing, and even with only one of them on the field I find few problems. Probably won't add a lightning bolt, but I will try the warchief for chieftain. Cheaper goblins are nice but Warren Instigator does a really good job of getting them onto the field for me anyway. Razerunner is hit and miss for me. Sometimes it will give me the extra 3-4 damage I need to win, and when that happens it is fun, but sometimes it is just...there. I do think I will replace him with another Dragon.
I would urge you to consider Goblin War Strike over Goblin Grenade. Both are sorceries, but War Strike will often do 5+ damage and doesn't require the sacrifice of a goblin. Other than that, I'm curious how well Gempalm Incinerator works for you. On paper it works nicely, but in practice do you find it particularly helpful?
Call to the Grave and Reassembling Skeleton would work nicely with this concept, but I'm not sure what you would take out to put them in. I'd love any input on my goblin deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=229571
Interesting deck, but definitely a challenge to build at this point. I agree that shimmer myr would be nice but I'm not sure what you should take out either. I know that you should definitely give yourself 4 dragonskull summits though. Good luck with this deck and hopefully Innistrad will be nice to you. If you could, please give me input on my goblin deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=229571
This deck is just funny and cruel. Something tells me that very few people want to play this deck. Please give me input on my goblin deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=229571
I personally find might sliver to be too expensive, but that is just me. I think you could do away with the darkheart and a frenzy sliver so throw something else in there, but otherwise I like this deck. I'd love input into my goblin deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=229571 or my sliver deck.
Looks like a very fun deck to play. Do you find it does reasonably well? Please take a look at my goblin deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=229571
I used to be like that, but I have found more and more often that certain cards are too common if I run 4, and not frequent enough if I run 2, so 3 if the perfect number. The singletons are there because I don't need any more than one of them; they are there to finish the job or add an interesting twist to the game. It's all about playing style and comfort I suppose
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