This is a very original take on Standard Goblins - I never would have considered building around Goblin Gaveleer. How competitive do you find this deck is? The price is certainly a huge benefit to this standard deck. Give my aggro slivers deck a glance if you have time:
One more thing. All your creatures are 2 or less power, so I would really recommend dropping the a Ponder to add one more Mentor of the Meek, which is much better card draw in this deck.
I think your deck name is misleading, this deck is really blue/white aggro with a handful of control to deal with threats. I find this deck very interesting as you have chosen not to include Geist of Saint Traft which is currently a staple card in Innistrad. I think this deck works very well without it. Could you take a look at my sliver aggro deck:
I think this deck would benefit from a little more focus. There are small aggro vampires, big chunky vampires with late-game effects, and control cards. You need to choose a direction, because the deck will work better with one specific focus rather than good cards that belong in different deck archetypes. The other thing is you need to drop some high cost cards. You have 13 cards over 4 mana, and chances are you will only be able to play 1 every game but there will be 3 in your hand, meaning you have a lot of dead card draw. Decide which high cost cards work best with your strategy and just keep them. Please take a look at my aggro slivers deck:
A well constructed deck and the Mortician Beetle works really well here. Only thing I would advise against is Praetor's grasp, as such specific removal doesn't really seem necessary when you already have Distress, Surgical Extraction, and Despise. Viscera Seer seems like a dead draw to me, so I would suggest you replace it with another Mortician Beetle and another Vampire Nighthawk. Also, if you are going to use the zendikar fetch lands to remove dead land draws later in the game, you might as well go all the way and drop 4 swamps for 4 marsh flats. Other than that, have you considered Geth's Verdict? Hopefully you can take a look at my new aggro slivers deck:
I am pretty sure this is actually legal. Because the rules text on Relentless Rats overrides the format rules for Standard, Extended, Legacy, Vintage, etc. it should also override the format rules for EDH. So I believe it is completely viable and quite entertaining.
This is a really solid deck. I am not a fan of Drana, as I think you have plenty of removal already. I suggest Bloodlord of Vaasgoth as a better 5 mana threat, of course I would first suggest you up the Vampire Nocturnus to 4. Such a shame that he ruins your ability to use the fun Innistrad block red vampires.
...not sure if legitimate deck or combination of some of the best cards in MTG...
I think deck can't afford to have Drowned Catacombs and Seaside Citadel coming into play tapped, so I suggest you replace them with more guildpact dual lands unless money is an issue. Comments on my sliver deck would be welcome:
If you are looking for some cheaper b/w land, tainted field is an option. I'd love input on my sliver deck:
Arbor Elf works well with Elvish Guidance, but other than that it is kind of pointless. I would suggest 4 Arbor and 4 Elvish Guidance while dropping some other mana-producers for more elf lords (elves that will boost your other elves), in a similar concept with my sliver deck: since both elves and slivers win by overwhelming.
Looking good, my only suggestion is you add the one knight card that is absolutely essential: Knight Exemplar. Also, Wildfield Borderpost is terrible mana acceleration. There are much better manafixing solutions, my favourite being Knight of the White Orchid, but there are also other 2 mana manafixers that are better than the post.
Oh god this is just cruel...
Jace and Innistrad Liliana come to mind. Also Jace's erasure, and the join forces draw card and discard card.
Captinfluffy you aren't understanding the point of the dragon. Since the earliest I would play him is turn 5, I have 4 turns beforehand to deal damage. The base goal would be to deal 10 damage in those 4 turns, have at least 5 goblins outs, and on turn 5 drop the dragon, devour 5 goblins, and as a result of the dragons triggered ability deal 10 damage directly to my opponent, taking him to 0 life.
A little more input from me. Please stop suggesting Goblin Grenade, I am aware that it is a good card in Standard and Modern, but it doesn't serve my purposes as well as Goblin War Strike so I will not be including it. I am looking for one card to drop so I can add in a Goblin Recruiter for Vintage play. My big question right now is Lightning Bolt vs Arc Trail. I think I will have to test them out in comparison, but if anyone else has a similar deck I would love input on which one they find more helpful. I'm tempted to think that Arc Trail is better because I can clear pesky blockers, but I already have 6 cards devoted to boardclearing (Sharpshoot Deathtouch combo). Lightning Bolt will be able to clear creatures with 1 more toughness, and hits a little harder if I just want it as a utility to do direct damage. I am also not sure whether I want to run Voracious Dragon and Fire Marshal. They are both heavy finisher cards. Voracious Dragon gives me more versatility in that I can finish someone off for 5 or I can finish someone off for 12 (even 14 in ideal situations). But I would rely on having at least 3 goblin on the field to do so. Fire Marshal will always require 5 goblins and always finish for 10, but it will cost less with Goblin Warchief out, or I could place it down directly with Warren Instigator. I'm really torn for which one I should use as my finisher, but I don't think I should be using both. Finally, I like the comment about mana curve. I love Teetering Peaks and Smoldering Spires for the rare opportunity that they are really helpful and a kick in the face, but I wonder if that off-chance is worth the disruption in my mana flow. Since I think I can survive on 4 mana, I am inclined to believe that I could drop those lands and run 2 less for a total of 14 mountains and 4 goblin burrows. Mana is my real weakness, so any input to that would be great! Thanks everyone!
I think I will have to experiment with that, because the wardrivers and chieftains are the only things really powering up my gobbos. I would like to throw in gempalms but am not sure what else I would take out. I can understand your use of straight mountains. I run the 4 goblin burrows because they come in able to tap and later game I can use them to pump for another 2 damage. The teetering peaks I keep because I want to pump goblin guide or warren instigator early. Nothing says surprise like starting the game at 75% health, and then being pummeled into oblivion by cruel little green things.
Right now I'm thinking Goblin Burrows, Tectonic Edge, and the cycling red land. Any ideas on how to balance those with mountains, Smoldering Spires and Teetering Peaks for the 20 land?
I used that combo when I originally made this deck, but I decided that it was too inconsistent. That, and it leaves me with few cards in hand. I'll trade 8+ damage from one card (dragon) at 5 cmc for 12 damage from 4 cards at 4 cmc. The collar and sharpshooter add flavor to the deck for me, so I like them there.
Huh that's interesting. So you say that I should drop all the fetchlands and simply replace them with mountains? Would it be worthwhile to add in more teetering peaks or smoldering spires? Or some other kind of special mountain?
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