Proxied the whole deck and boy was it hilarious, I also found that I can win if I want, I just give them the immortal coil and exile their graveyard.
Get er done 8D
Added Archetype of Finality because...That's just awesome.
Just takin a...Wiz...On everything. ;D
I like the idea of running a play set of her, I'm kind of weird that way cause I'd prefer to have a play set of Planswalkers in a deck if I could manage it, like in my grind deck I just recently altered it and put a play set of Ashioks in there.
I mostly just put this together to keep track of the Gorgons, I haven't really completed the idea yet.
You already know what it is!
Huh, weird people were telling me that in Commander you had to have three colors. I should turn my Twins deck into an EDH 8D
You should see this,
Doesn't an EDH deck have to be three colors?
Recently got four Ashiok's, not sure if I want to add him to this deck or create a new one around him...
I found out a while ago that because of rulings this would end up in a loss for whoever you play it on or yourself, I'm not quite sure which it was anymore. But in friendly play it's still a game ending draw that's hilarious.
Now it's really fixed, bought four Damnations and put two in the Deck. Everything Dies is back baby!
Any kind of deck that thrives off of additional upkeeps, for example;
Holy crap, it totally flew over my head to use indestructible artifacts! Why the hell didn't I think of that...I have a Lich deck sort of like this and it should have crossed my mind to add Darksteel crap in it! Thanks for putting this up so it finally hit me!
I was actually going to use Tormod's Crypt I just forgot about it.
No respect...
I thought so.
Hmm...I pulled another Lord of the Unreal...I wonder if I should run four...
Similarly I threw it together rather quick too and out of the blue.
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