I thought about it, but it is card disadvantage (though it can up your tempo through ramp) and this deck doesn't do anything particularly good, it just answers stuff and goes over the top at some point.Often, I find just murdering their blocker with a removal spell good enough.
So some more win conditions besides the Grim Guardian would be (just for naming them):Ob Nixilis, the Unshackled (infinitely large trampling attacker)Kheru Bloodsucker (instant win)The bloodsucker is another sacrifice outlet which alone with the giant, can slowly kill someone. Except it dies to everything so I don't think thats going to be very viable, while the guardian actually has some utility in blocking.Anyway, Ob Nixilis might be nice as a one-of in this deck, another way to do something with your mana and potentially win the game.
Dictate just propels you out of control in one turn :P Its only a one of and its there as this deck just wants to go out of control now and then.
I still took it down to 3 and added an Opulent Palace, as for this deck it still matters a lot if the seventh/eight land is live or not.
Thanks. You may be right, getting stuck with too many of those sorceries in hand is not great. Instead of Nissa, what do you think about adding another mana sink maybe like Hydra Broodmaster or See the Unwritten.I might make a 2/2 Kiora/Nissa split though. Because I need three colours and I already play Nykthos as a colourless land, playing Darksteel Citadel does not seem very smart though.
7 Mountains is not nearly enough, you need 14 at least to make it work.
Except if your deck works properly, your opponent will not attack back because he cannot win that race, even if you dont have Brave the Sands. That card is more for a GW or BW aggro deck that does not have red in it.I also dont like it as when I draw it, it could have been another creature that applied pressure. As a topdeck, its like Ride Down and Iroas, it does nothing on an empty board. I already have 6 of those cards so I dont need more.
Why would I want that card?
Problem with that is, without Sacred Foundry, the deck needs to not play double white cards like Brimaz and go red/splash white to support it. I just never want to not be able to cast it. Deck is not red enough for it.I ll have a look at yours too, thanks.
New card: Generator Servant, allows you to jump to five mana, to play an Elite Arcanist with haste and have one mana left to activate it right away.
Generator into Master is magical christmas land and in most games it will not play out, at which point building it like BR midrange/devotion deck does more for me than burn spells, I figured. The deck still has enough inevitability to win soon enoughl
http://www.mtgvault.com/profani/decks/elementals-w-gen-servant/With today's spoiled card as a central element (that slotted right into the original game plan, so awesome when that happens)Generator Servant: http://media-dominaria.cursecdn.com/attachments/129/794/635397663601134205.png
What about Shrine of Piercing Vision, could perhaps smooth out this decks endgame a bit by digging you into your titan forge, whenever simple 3/3s dont cut it.
ehh, why is there a Bogle in this combo? Am I missing something?T1: Mana dorkT2: Gilder BairnT3: Mantle, equip on Bairn, training groundsT4: Kiora. Tap bairn for 1 mana. Use bairn ability for 1 mana to get 4 counters on Kiora. Then tap Bairn again, gain 1 mana. Use mana to untap bairn, double Kiora's counters to 8. Continue until you get infinite counters on Kiora. Then use her emblem, which you can proceed to do every turn, resulting in exponential Krakens.
IF you have two of the same cards in the graveyard, but most of your instants/sorceries are not even 4-ofs, so it doesnt seem like you're going to get it active nearly enough.
I don't know what Pyromancer's Ascension is doing in this deck...
Problem is still that it gets hit by Release, which is why I designed the deck to be so permanent light initially. To make Release work, I have to work mostly off instants/sorceries as removal.
Its pure theory, created it in one of my ''find an underrated card and make a deck around it'' times, especially when Mono blue was the most popular deck and mono black was still running whip of erebos/erebos main deck.I do have pretty much all the cards for the deck except the Jaces, but I might as well not play them and try it out anyway. The big problem of this deck is that it can't run Detention Sphere. Anger of the Gods should fix that against aggro, and turn and burn/Release against monsters/control decks. However, it does make the deck very weak to Turn 2 packrats, which means I probably should bring in spheres from the board.
Chained seems good, dont know if my mana base can support it though.
Wow, I didnt expect that many replies! I made this deck quite a while back, before BNG and saw recently that it wasnt public so I put it on there, thats why theres no UW scryland.The thing with Boros Reckoner is that post-board if they want to keep removal in thats fine, as usually they are going to have more removal spells than I have reckoners.
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