Ah now I see how it works with the Fortune Hunter. You will need to have 2 mana open though.This deck has also been on the spotlight of dailymtg I think once, and they used Hammer of Purphoros because it can give Elite Arcanist haste and make you win out of nowhere, while also providing an additional win condition in the form of 3/3 golems.I guess I m not making it easier for you by suggesting all these double costed cards.Also, what about Swan Song? It probably counters anything you care about, and if you know the opponent has an answer, it costs one less mana to fight through it.
Completely drawing your deck with fortune hunter doesn't seem like such a game winning plan. You could consider Mindreaver, because it will completely mill them out.With Druid, Akroan Crusader and Mindreaver you have three creatures that can win on the spot (well okay, Crusader doesn't win through a Jace +1).I would then add Springleaf Drum to this shell because it fixes mana and can accelerate you into T3 Arcanist even if you lead with a Mindreaver/Akroan Crusader.
That leyline is indeed really annoying, so I guess there is no way around splashing green. If you have all the fetches it should be pretty possible.Also, what about Maelstrom Pulse instead of abrupt decay, for the sole reason that it gives you another out to a turn 1 Leyline? Or might it be too slow against affinity?
Just because he already has double strike does not mean you cannot target him with Boros Charm, if you would ever want to do so.
Well yeah, I can see where you are coming from, but the main thing is that I won't always have Immortal Servitude, and I also need 6 mana to cast it. That means, in more than 50% of games it will play out like a regular RG creature deck that happens to be overloaded on the 3 drop slot.However, Varolz allows you to still make use of whatever you mill away with Grisly Salvage, and he can sac dudes to get them in the yard before you hit your big spell. Its kind of a hard choice I've found in gold fishing to go all out on varolz or to keep stuff in the yard while hoping for an Immortal Servitude, though.
Perhaps its a bit more all in, but using ramp cards instead of the little aggro threats may work better to get the hasty hydras.I would enter 4 Elvish Mystic and 4 Gyre Sage. I would also play 4 Kalonian Hydra and only a few of the Savageborn ones.Another tech here is Savage Summoning. It allows you to flash in the Hydras if you dont get to stick an Exava. The additional counter works great with both of their damage-doubling abilities, making for example Kalonian Hydra an endstep 10/10 trampler out of nowhere. Savageborn Hydra can come in at end step as a 3/3 for 5 mana (the extra mana for the Summong doesnt even reduce its size), and when you untap you can stack him with counters again and attack for big.Not to mention, its completely swag to cast Savageborn Hydra with Savage Summoning.
Mauler is good, but if I wanted to play that, I wouldnt have included Aurelia, the Warleader and so much big removal. This deck doesnt need to blitz. I do think Frontline Medic is a worthy addition to the 75 though. I needed something to side out the Firstblade against very aggressive opponents, and I think a 3/3 for 3 that happens to counter revelations will be just fine.I dont play the Paladin because Legions Initiative doesnt pump it, and hence its a bad play after going T2 Legion. Its also very vulnerable to burn spells, so it just doesnt always pull the weight that its supposed to do in christmasland scenarios.
What are you maindecking Skylasher for?
I dont believe you have quite enough token capacity to really run that Wake the Reflections. Same goes for Parrallel Lives.Also, if you wish to take advantage of bronzebeak Moa, you need to play Advent of the Wurm/Selesnya charm proactively, which is not how the cards should be used. The card is also not really that good, for it lacks trample. You can make it 12/12 all you wish, if the opponent can chump it all that effort went to waste.I suggest you cut Parallel Lives, Wake the Reflections, Predatory Rampage and Arbor Elf. In their stead, get 4 pilgrims and 4 farseeks, 1 or 2 Scion of Vitu Ghazi (great value, but is still great on its own if you have no targets) and some Rancors. Loxodon Smiter is also a card you really want to have. Try to get a decent curve in the deck (3/3 for 2, 4/4 for 3 and instant 5/5 for 4 seems good). If you can put on enough pressure in the early game to force the opponent to do something about it, you can freely play Advent of the Wurm after and wreak havoc with it.
Hey, youve got Swerve in both main and sideboard. It doesnt seem to be a very maindeckable card.What do you think about Blistercoil Weird? It becomes a bear everytime you play a spell, which makes it another decent target for the clout. I think Noggle Bandit is just a bit too slow, and you can't go ''Play creature > Clout > Attack'' with it unless you have four mana, which is kind of steep.
Hey, nice deck. I was looking for a Boros deck, but turns out this is mono-red that splashes for Boros Charm and Slayer's Stronghold. Arent there any other Boros cards that are worth playing? Wojek Halberdiers? Legions Initiative?
I think you could replace some of the enchantments for some Searing Spear. I think a deck like this likes to have a burn spell that can close out a game.I think you can be pretty sure Searing Spea will see reprint in M14, so you shouldnt worry about that.
I think you should focus this a bit more. Burning Tree Emissary and Zhur Taa druid may look similar, but they really don't do the same thing.
I thought aboutMindcrank + Bloodchief, but it is a pure combo deck, and the problem is getting those counters on the enchantment when you are running an artifact that is useless without it. You're effectively -1 a card when you're trying to hurt your opponent, and I have found its just not reliable enough. I wanted to make a more midrange deck that can win a game even if it does not get Ascension active. Ascension + SoBaM is just as much as an instant kill, but the sword is still useful on its own.In order to do that, I still need some cards like Vendilion Clique, who are probably better than Parasitic Strix (though I still like Strix a lot).
Extortion + it can reset Geralf's Messenger making it unkillable. if you're on the play and the opponent has no turn 1 blocking play, you can go turn 1 Parasite, Turn 2 attack with the parasite, then Bloodchief + extort. It will trigger on the end step for an immediate quest counter.
Nice deck, I have only some suggestions. What does Thought Scour do for you in the deck other than reducing its effective size? I ask because you run no Snapcaster Mages.Also, look at Guttersnipe + Cipher interaction. Duskmantle Seer makes it a bit awkward due to the high mana costs of most Cipher cards, but still, the synergy between Last Thoughts and Guttersnipe seems great. Hands of Binding is probably not going to make it here, as you dont have the early creatures to take advantage of the tempo, which eventually leads to card disadvantage.Stolen Identity: Create guttersnipe, shoot for 2, cipher on creature and attack, create another guttersnipe, shoot for 4. Downside is how it will hurt you with the Duskmantle Seer, but if you are feeling lucky, you can play this card anyway since you are a control deck at the end of the day.
Well, the Demon flinging I have theorized as well, using lots of humans and Archdemon of Greed. He hits harder and flings harder + you can run a human aggro shell around it. I think that works better than this, which requires a lot more high cmc cards to work.
Why do you run Counterflux, when it cannot be made cheaper by Electromancer.Syncopate and Cancel do the same job more or less but you can take advantage of your goblin. Counterflux is more of a meta call anyway.
@Above, comments, this deck works specifically against bant control because that deck cant get rid of angels very profitably and UW flash is way more draw-go, so it can counter all the big bant threat angels and planeswalkers. Restoration Angel + Pike is really all you need to win. That said with the advent of BR aggro its not that well placed anymore. Upping the supreme verdicht count to 4 in the sideboard may help.
I think you could swap out Ajani for Sorin, Lord of Innistrad.
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