Thanks for the advice. Can you have a look at my next package Enchanted apple?
Yes, thank you. I have already added some.
kamo to stoji 125kc
jinak by se ti hodili karty jako Achilles Davenport, Arno Dorian, Desmond Miles a Adéwalé, Breaker of Chains. Nemáš zac.jachym
špekácku, máš tento balícek zverejnenej. tak si ho zatím zase schovej. a ješte si ho nejak pojmenuj.
Thank you for your help!
Thank you for your feedback. Don't know of any replacement for Walking Ballista? This card is too expensive. Other expensive cards can be replaced with something, but I don't know about this one.
Yes. That looks better. Thank you for the example.
Thank you for your help. These cards will really come in handy here.
You have an awful lot of creatures here. put more instants and sourcers here.
Would you not know how to change the curve or other things?
That's true. I will try.
thank you
Yes, thank you
Dekuju. Ani jsem nemel ty pozemky vyrovnané. toho jsem si nevšiml :-)
Thanks, I didn't notice.
Nice dack!But I think for there are a lots of creatures
Dobrý nápad PARAMORE..,:-)
PARAMOR doesn't need it to be the most capable deck. I happen to like the fact that he creates something original like this, and he must also enjoy it. (I would enjoy it too)
I would like to buy this deck. Is there something else missing?
1-20 of 74 items