Dekuji mnohokrát. Snažím se vymyslet balícek, který bude trochu dobrý.
This is true
Teda Jáchym Necas
That card is really good!
It is true :-)
Thank you. That fits there
Ahoj Ondro. Tady J.Necas
Thank you very much :-)
Thank you.
if there is anything to improve (which there will be), please tell me.
this is nice
This is nice!
This is nice. Hlavne ty silné karty. jsou drahé ale vy to zaplaplatíte.
If you have any other suggestion, feel free to write it to me.Thank you.
Thank you very much for your help
it's for poison tokens. if you like it or just find it interesting, please help improve it. please.
Please. if you like it then give it a like. :-)
doufám že to je dobrý. ?
Melo by to být na útok.vždy když nekdo útocí (a nebo blokuje)dají se na to stvorení +1/+1 cantery.
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