Broooo, Sublime Archangel. It would work.
Nice deck.
Merrow Commerce, untap all merfolk you control at the end of your turn, It's a tribal enchantment that's a little bit broken in a good merfolk deck.
Also there is a distinct lack of use in the resources this site offers. Like deck tags, if I see a deck with the tag of Modern or Legacy I will automatically assume that it is a deck that is to be used in a tournament of that format. That being said I also see a tag with budget on it and will assume it is some sort of budget format. If you just read the deck tags (because all of the decks that make it to the hot page have tags) you will know exactly what deck you are viewing. That and deck previews/descriptions, if the deck has them, read them. I don't know how many comments I've seen bashing or questioning a deck only to have the answer be posted in the deck description. My grievances have been voiced, sorry I couldn't wait until december :P
Switch the period in the title to a comma so it reads "Azban, will you marry me?" This way it'll be a little less confusing, as I too thought you were proposing to whom ever was viewing the deck. But in terms of the actual deck I like it, well almost all of it. The price tag is a bit much for me :P , solid deck though.
Yeah, the only reason I suggested him was because you are already running some elves and his synergy with elves is quite nice.
5 mana, 2 blue and 3 colorless
Nice, the only sugestions I'd have would be Thundermaw hellkite as another dragon, Valakut, The Molten Pinnacle, and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
MIll half your opponents deck
Traumatize would work well in this deck too, for the mill side of it that is.
It's EDH, so you start with Child of Alara in your commander spot.
Elvish Archdruid is great for mana ramping with elves, and Signal the Clans for creature search. Other than that I'd add Fog for obvious reasons. I have a R/G Dragon Deck ( ) and a R/G Devour deck ( ) I could never make the two work fast enough for me so I had to seperate them. Maybe you can do what I was unable to do, good luck!
Not quite, it's more like I grudgingly admit that I cannot think of anything to add to the deck. That kinda pisses me off as I know the deck could be better but my limited card knowledge is holding it back ( I only started playing at the end of 2013). And honestly sometimes thinking of a creative name is harder than putting a deck together. So when I say that I concede that my deck is done it really means that I don't think the deck runs as optimally as possible or that deck name is not creative enough.
I feel like you need more "dump into your graveyard" type cards to make this deck work. If you are using fetch lands and since you have green why not try the Hedron Crab and boundless realms? Just a thought, I have a self-mill storm deck, check it out if you think it might help:
Then again if you wanted to protect your creatures all you have to do is add Gaea's Herald...
Eh it's more of a protection thing, having your Worldspine Wurm countered when you pulled off a turn 3 cast kinda opens your eyes and gets you thinking about protecting your creatures. You're right though your elves are quite interchageable with one another.
Yeah you do raise a valid point... Other than that Savage Summoning? Protect your nastier elves from counters?
Yeah the only thing I'd swap it for would be Blind Obedience and I feel like it fits better with the deck. I actually did have that card in here for a little bit but it didn't help me that much.
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx.... It would do well in this deck
Huh, that's a pretty neat work around with the new legendary ruling... I like it!
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