Is it an evolving ban list or just the recommended one?
Sorry had to get that one out of my system, the only thing's I'd would be Cathedral of war and Silverblade Paladin, they would mesh well with the deck.
Such good Doge.. Much win...Wow... Very cards...Wow...Many fun... So white....
Reconnaissance is a nice enchantment to add, it allows to you to not actually have to attack with Giest, food for thought.
I'd be down for some 4 card blind
I love decks like this! The synergy here is nuts, I'd really enjoy playing this deck and seeing how I could tweak it. +1 and a thumbs up too you good sir!
Ha, I like the combo! This seems like a deck to play against the assholes at your card shop who brag about their decks and how no one has the money or skill to beat it. I'd work around with the creatures though I feel like there is a lot you can do with those as well. That and I'd add mental mistep, with the whole no mana bit.
Yeah it took me like a solid month of playing around before I got all the land base and creature base worked out... Had to figure out what was worth it and what just slowed the deck down. That's another thing, the moment I said that I was playing a sliver deck I got all the hate... So you gotta work quick.
The only thing I'd change would be to make Sliver Overlord your Commander just cuz its easier to get him to do 21 damage and knock out a player. Other than that I'd add more Mana producers cuz this deck will get mana screwed quite quickly, that and a lot of dual lands. My sliver deck pretty much had all the dual/fetch lands I could get my hands on. If you need more room in the deck I'd knock off slivers I only had like 35 slivers in my deck with 40 land and the rest was search and mana ramp cards with a few useful enchantments thrown in LIke Descendants' Path and Oversold Cemetary. It's an expensive deck to make but overall it's one of the more powerful EDH decks out there, IF you know how to mulligan :P . Either way solid deck and good luck with it!
Signal the Clans, I know you've got Fauna Shaman in here but you can use that for creature search to pull out your Eldrazi. You just gotta have 3 different large Eldrazi in here.
I've hit a wall with two of my decks so far, it's depressing... The first deck being my Hit it N' Quit it deck ( ), It is theoretically designed to Ramp into one of the one turn only creatures ( Like lightning ball, Low casting cost with haste and a high attack power then you sack it at the next end step) then you pump it and hit with it then fling it at the end of your step before you have to sac it. I think I need some different forms of mana ramp besides elves they are too easy to get rid of. The second deck is a Token and Devour deck ( ) using mostly goblins, some elementals, and a few saprolings then devouring them and then #winning. Normally I would just ask my friends who play but I just got stationed in the UK and I haven't found any close card shops and my none of my friends play :( . So any help would be awesome! Thanks!
I wouldn't run Malakut unless you are running more Mountains... you need 5 so in order for it to be effective you need to pretty much have all mountains...
Dat name.. so good..
Okay where I was going originally is that I knew a guy with a darksteel reactor deck and he used Dismantle in it. The cool part about dismantle is that the card reads like this "Destroy target artifact. If that artifact had counters on it, put that many +1/+1 counters or charge counters on an artifact you control." Since there is a period after destroy target artifact you can use it on Darksteel Reactor to put the counters on it and double it's counters.
Ha, wow.... That's embarassing, and that is one of the first signs I should probably have slept more yesterday :P
Diggin the deck, and the name!
Yeah lots of ways to win in here. No Archbound Reactor tho?
But I still would consider Knight of Glory, After Sublime Archangel I would say the Knights of Glory and Infamy were the best exalted cards printed in M13.
Sublime Archangle is 10 bucks for a mint non-foil, but it drops down to 7.50 if you buy it in spanish! Think of the deals.... Who cares if you can't read it, or maybe it will motivate you to learn spanish.... Then you can understand this "Yo tengo la fiesta en mi pantalones con el gato!". And to think it all started with one deal...
Yeah it dropped like a rock pricewise. Also I see you do not have Knight of Glory in your deck, also a very nice 2 drop with protection from black.
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