
3 Decks, 33 Comments, 0 Reputation

I don't know if 80 cards is the way to go...especially since you have only 22 lands. ideally, one should have about 2 lands for every 5 cards in a deck, and a level-up deck is certainly no exception.

There are DEFINITELY some cuts you can make to bring down your spell/creature count:
• Elite Vanguard is a great card, but you've already got 4 of two other white one-drops (Student and Escort). I'd drop it.
• I understand that Nomads' Assembly is really cool, but you will NEVER play it here.
• Lifelink, Marshall's Anthem, Mammoth and Hyena Umbras...I don't understand.
• Unified Will is a usable counterspell ONLY in token decks. This is not one of those.
• Cut White Knight, add Halimar Wavewatch. It'll guard against any early hitters, and with Training Grounds it becomes an automatic 6/6.

Things to add:
•Removal - Oust is nice; you can sideboard it if you want, as it's one of the only ways to deal with them pesky Eldrazi. The problem with Cancel is that it's double Island; either take 'em out and add a few Ice Cages or Essence Shatters/Negates, or put in more blue lands. If you have money to spend, the Path to Exile is the best removal there is.
• I cry at the lack of a playset of Time of Heroes in this deck.
• Mana Fixers - I'm not an expert on this, but are Alara cards playable at tournaments still, or are they gone because of Rise? If not, then add some white/blue borderposts. It'll be the best thing you ever did.

Ok, that's enough of that.

Posted 09 May 2010 at 00:54 as a comment on W/U Levelers


yeah, no stacking for the chronologist
Honestly, if you're going to use level up with the training grounds, I'd add some blue card (I know there're a few) that level up with 2 colorless or less.
The splinter twin is useless except for the venerated teacher, and that isn't really something to base your deck on. I'd take it out and add maybe...honestly I have no idea. mediocre deck.

Posted 08 May 2010 at 14:16 as a comment on Leveling Test


Ummm...Font of Mythos and Nyxathid in the same deck? Are you sure?

Posted 25 August 2009 at 18:57 as a comment on DD = Discard & Damage Mk.2


The point is that he's NOT running quillspike, and having fun while doing so. I love it, keep it up man.

Posted 30 June 2009 at 01:31 as a comment on cool combo


Looks good to me! I like it.

Posted 30 June 2009 at 01:28 as a comment on Pain and Wonder


Plus, it has cascade, so you can get even more equipments or creatures out

Posted 28 June 2009 at 03:46 as a comment on to die by the sword


Hmm very true, I'll consider it. Though, I would count my Bituminous Blasxt, Pyroclasm, and Pyrohemia as removal as well, I see that I do need some less expensive creature removal.

Posted 28 June 2009 at 03:43 as a comment on Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire


I'm not usually harsh about others' decks. I really try not to be. So I'll say this nicely.
It basically looks like you got all your favorite green and white cards and put 'em together into one deck.

1. Cards you don't need (or want, due to their monetary cost) for a two color deck, or just because there's no point to them:
Birds of Paradise/Wrath of God (check the price tag)
Heroes' Reunion (Though a great card, I'm pretty sure you don't win by gaining life)
Unmake (with only basic lands, you'll have this stuck in your hand forever)
Pacifism (if you're only gonna use one, don't put it in)
Swords to Plowshares (same, but card also sucks)
The Wardens/Oracle of Nectars (seriously, if you don't have a strategy to win by gaining life, don't put these in)

2. You've got a vague strategy for this deck, and that's building up tokens. Stick with it. From what I can see here, there's no strategy, no driving force of the deck. The Planeswalkers look like they're there just for show, and the Oracle of Nectars isn't worth it in a deck where you don't have lots of lands in the first place.

3. 20 basic lands in NOT enough for a 63 card deck. Consider 23-25.

Stick with the tokens. With all this, it looks like you went haywire with immobilization, when there isn't any point to having it whatsoever except to HAVE it. If you want, make a deck around immobilization, that you can work off of. A good control deck. This is not a control deck.

Posted 28 June 2009 at 03:29 as a comment on breaking point


BAHAHAHA. This is freakin' hilarious. Dude, I love it.

Posted 27 June 2009 at 18:11 as a comment on turn 3 infinite combo


I personally like soulcatcher's aerie, its a really fun card.

Posted 27 June 2009 at 18:05 as a comment on Hordes of Feathers


Anything with first strike is a beast in this deck. I like how it's set out, very nice; simple, yet effective.
Some evasion would be nice, though; maybe splice some blue for Stormcaller's Boon? That way, you can take 'em out in one hit without having to worry about getting past most of their creatures.
I like it.

Posted 27 June 2009 at 17:51 as a comment on to die by the sword


I've always loved Whispersilk Cloak, but here, since you're running blue, I don't think its altogether necessary - something that would give your Titans and Slashers flying would work just as well.

I've never found a real point behind Spawning Pit. In fact, I think you have far too many ways to sacrifice, and not enough creatures to sacrifice, lol!

I think there's really two ways you can go with this deck (that I can see right now):

1. You can add a playset of Genesis Chambers, make myr tokens and sack 'em all for goodies (and boosting your Glaze Fiends twice as much), then take down your opponents. Maybe add a Dolmen Gate or two, just to be safe.

2. You can go the Scarecrows and -1/-1 counters route. I really love Scarecrone, I think it's a great card, and if by "Lorwyn" you mean "Shadowmoor," then you're golden on this route (Grim Poppet and Lockjaw Snapper, ftw). If not, I'd take the other one, and just root through Mirrodin for some cards to sack.

For removal and burn, to keep with the artifact route, you could use Moonglove Extracts, or just some good old-fashioned kill spells.

Posted 26 June 2009 at 01:29 as a comment on Salvage Bash


I'm not the biggest expert on mill, but I'll give you this: this deck looks like it'll do a damn good job.

Though I must say, all of ALJ's points are more than valid, cutting it down to 60 would be good, the Cloak is unnecessary (although I see why you might need it for the Nemesis of Reason, it's only when it ATTACKS, not deals damage), and get rid of the Sanity Grinding and Telemin Performance.

After that, you're golden, cept for the fact that this deck, though not as expensive as others, is still on the pricey side for me. Great job, though.

Posted 21 June 2009 at 18:05 as a comment on To the grave


LOLZ, totally illegal, but this is freakin' hilarious. Nicely done, I must say.

Posted 20 June 2009 at 21:05 as a comment on Turn 0 Win


Dan, you talk too much. And hurricane's right, even with the sphinxes (2 of them) and the singular bolas, theres approximately 9 creatures in total. Honestly, I'm not even gonna go the Dan route and try to remake the deck in my head; to me, it's just a bunch of expensive cards put together in one too-many color deck with too many flaws. Not good enough, sorry.

Posted 19 June 2009 at 03:02 as a comment on Block 4 color control


*smacks forehead*

Posted 19 June 2009 at 02:56 as a comment on Guud


This seems...surprisingly fun! Actually, I really like the idea, and you have some good (not to mention inexpensive!!) cards here. I commend you for making a deck that's completely out of the comfort zone of most players, I love it. I think the Lucent Liminid is a really nice touch, and Faith's Fetters is one of my most favorite cards ever. The Lapse of Certainty, ironically, gives me a lapse of certainty; why include it? You definitely have enough removal here, and I think you could definitely add something new and fun in its place if you have the imagination I think you have.

Otherwise, bravo.

Posted 19 June 2009 at 02:50 as a comment on Angry at angels


That is incorrect; you may only have one of EACH legendary card ON THE BOARD at the same time, so here it doesn't really matter.

What I'm more concerned about, well, how do you get anything done? I mean, with that many different cards in there, it concerns me that you won't get what you need to win, and you'll just end up with a bunch of giant creatures that you can never play. I'm not familiar with EDH, but if this is the basic setup, I just think it needs to be WAYYYYY leaner, wayyy cheaper, and have some duplicates of the cards you actually NEED.

Posted 19 June 2009 at 02:42 as a comment on EDH Fiery Suspension


Though, with both eya Dawnbringer AND the Valkyrie there, doesn't the purpose of Path to Exile seem kinda lost? And are there ANY cheaper white angels?

Posted 18 June 2009 at 16:43 as a comment on Mono White Angel Attempt


I don't even want to KNOW how much this costs...looks amazing though, you're a master deck builder.

Posted 18 June 2009 at 16:39 as a comment on Mono White Angel Attempt


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