There are some two-drops now! Let the people rejoice!
Hey, I just uploaded a gruul version of sliver combo if you want to take a look. No rush, though.
Removed Final Fortune to keep it modern legal.
all right, I'll do that. I decided I want to play this in modern, so I removed final fortune.
Cool, thanks. You make a good point with Athreos. Mana symbols are generally good with devotion, but him being a creature isn't super relevant.
Thanks! I'm a bit worried about the lack of two-drops, though.
Thank you. What would you remove for her? I don't know if Lavamancer works the way I think it does, so maybe her?
Holy shit, you evil bastard.
Yeah. I suppose fight will wreck with Ensoul. Especially since 5 seems to kill everything in the format.
I adore Slivers, but I feel like since the deck wants to be fast, Thorncaster is bad without death touch. Then again, you can accelerate into it with Manaweft, so maybe I'm talking out of my ass.
Wow. Grove is crazy expensive. Then again, the deck is only 15 dollars. If you've got the money, it could be cool as a one-of. Other than that, I love the deck. I would only recommend it as a one-of because if you use it too much, your opponent's life total might get to some awkward number, like 11. Also, the name is freaking awesome.
Just went 3-0. Believe it or not, POF won me game 3 of the finals. Topdecked it when my opponent was at 2 and I was at one.
Do you use Domri to search for mana dorks? I feel like the m15 Ajani would be better suited here. Then again, he requires you to go into white...
I test played this on MTGO. I went 2-1. I feel like the deck is solid, but searing blaze sort of sucked. I used it to kill mana dorks quite a bit, but when I topdecked it late game, it didn't do much. I'm gonna put in POF and see how that does.
Thanks! You too.
Puschkin, my deck Sliver Combo needs some serious work. It is the first deck on the page, and my budget is 30 dollars. I would like to keep the combo intact, as well as all the slivers that pump.
Oh, so the wall is more of a deterrent than a blocker, I get it. That makes sense. You could try a 2-2 split, but the list is fine as is.
Maybe pillar of flame would be better?
I feel like searing Blaze is kind of subpar in budget decks, as I can't get max. value out of it with fetch lands. I'll test with a one-of and see how it goes.
I'd consider replacing wall of essence with nyx-fleece ram, as he is a more efficient blocker. Maybe the lifegain matters more than I think it does, so you could go either way.
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