Holy crap, that's a feat.
I second that. Arrest is so great in a prison deck.
Oh, yeah, Path rules. I didn't consider it, but it is great here. Go ahead.
In a control deck that wants to make the game go long, oppressive rays is kind of bad. After all, the longer the game goes on, the more mana your opponent has. I'd replace all of them with four pacifism.
Is this the competitive list I've read about?
Manaweft Sliver might be good here, in place of the Traveler's Amulets. That way, all your slivers can be islands if you need it, and it gets all the bonus'.
Hey! I was just wondering how that UW Heroic deck was coming! Can I expect a list?
Thanks to you, Wrap in Vigor is my new favorite card ever. It fits well here, good job.
The deck looks great, but you can't play it anywhere unless it is 60 cards.
If you wanted to cut costs, you could just run 24 swamps.
What would you guys recommend for a sideboard?
Christ, immortal servitude is a beast in this deck. Wow. I love the synergy with Athreos. Oh, you paid three life, so my creature died. Nope. It is the best of both worlds.
Hmm. Quicken might be good here. I don't play control, so I don't know what to suggest removing for it.
Instead of Fencing Ace, I'd recommend Soldier of the Pantheon. It sort of combos with the enchantment theme.
I'll look into it, thanks.
Hmmm. I'll test some more and see how it goes. My thinking is that I want to win before it's even possible to cast her, but I don't play burn often, so...
Tested with Chandra. She dis good work, but I feel like she's too mana intensive. Burn decks generally want a lower curve.
Thank you for opening my eyes to the awesomeness that is Legion Loyalist! I play casual modern at my LGS, and Tokenspew is a popular archetype. LL pretty much hoses those decks.
Oh, sorry. I deleted the W/R/G version of the deck, and your comments went with it. It isn't so much a new deck as a revamped version of the old one that dropped white, like you said. I did not intend to sucker you into anything, I just thought this would be easiest.
Ha! Somebody noticed!
41-60 of 90 items