Edge has never ever mana hosed me, so there is no reason to not have it really. It doesn't work against fetchlands, but shocklands and the likes take a beating from it. The mana curve on this deck is low enough that you can afford to trade lands 1 for 1. Culling Dais is just like Ferrovore, a sac outlet for your controlled things if you don't have Trader in. It's handy, and you can sac stuff to it in response to removal, giving you the chance of drawing replacements. If nothing else, its a 2 mana ferrovore food.
Jinx Idol is a great idea, but I don't think it will be moving off the sideboard soon, because it carries a risk with it. If you give your opponent the Idol, it becomes very hard to use creature targeting spells, as your opponent can just sacrifice it in response with the idol, handing it back. Of course, with Trader it's no big problem, but it makes it harder to steal desirables.
If you want a standard legal "cheat" deck then this is the best I can produce, but for casual this one wins the cheat contest by far. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=144460
Check if Sangromancer could work, it's great with discard. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=144460
While this deck should have little trouble generating mana, running Galvanoth seems kind of pointless with so few spells. Galvanoth casting a LB for you isn't changing much. I made a RG Galvanoth deck if you want to see what ideas I used: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=136304
Am I completly blind? I do not see any Mountains in this deck, how are you supposed to use Valakut at all?
Amazing, gets going very fast. With the amount of search you have it's easy to get the combo pieces together.
Myr Sire is a good card for sac food. Creeping Tar pit seems a bit random... http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=144460
This deck doesn't just win the game, it kills the player himself too. Very creative use of both the rats and Shared Fate. Facing this deck would be horribly annoying. Annoying decks is what the game is all about! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=144460
Well the Golem Foundry, Golem's Heart and Heavy Arbalest aren't going to do anything if imprinted. Gust-Skimmer and Soliton seem like wastes, you don't have blue mana except from Mox Opal, and those creatures are pretty bad. Myr turbine is also going to be of limited use without a few more Myr cards. You need a more focused strategy. Right now you have mill cards just thrown in there. You could run dedicated mill with 4 Grindlocks and 4 Decimator webs, which your Welders can imprint when they get bombed. You would still need counterspells, hedron crabs, islands etc. to make that work, but you would be working to a goal rather than the hobcobble that is your current deck. We are all very excited about Myr Welder, but just imprinting stuff with it doesn't win games.
Damn I so want Zo-Zu in a deck like this, but being monogreen that's not happening. Pretty cool stuff as long as you draw 1 forest in your starter hand.
Mayby Wall of Omens would be a good idea so that you get enough card draw early on? I would suggest Rune-tail if you want your army to be as tough as you become with the healing, but most people seem to hate on flip-cards. If you are already running Serra Avatar you might as well add Ajani Goldmane too, works well in a deck with good healing. (I wonder if this deck could beat mine? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=144460 )
Take out the discard, it doesn't fit with the theme of fast damage at all. You need a sacrifice outlet for Abyssal Persecutor so that you don't have to save a kill spell for him if you get your opponent below 1 HP. Fling kind of works but add a creature or some other reliable outlet. I would recommend less 5+ mana creatures if you want fast damage...
Not really seeing the infinite in this deck, its just a regular control deck that tries very hard to use Isochron scepter. keep in mind that copies of isochron scepter will not be possible to imprint, due to them not staying in the graveyard.
First you use Act of Treason or the other sorceries that take temporary control of a target. Then you use Bazaar Trader to give control of it to yourself. It's valid because you can target any player with Bazaar Traders donation, and you do actually have control of the permanent that you are donating. And coincidentially, with this deck you can steal everything from creatures to planeswalkers.
Against aggro with sufficient creature removal (ie. Lighting Bolt) this deck needs some luck to go off. It's crushingly effective when it does get it's pieces out though.
Potent synergies, it would take something dedicated (http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=144460) to break these knights out of formation. Efficient creatures are the best.
This is exactly why I made my deck (http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=144460). These cards are strong, and Tezzeret just oils it up to flow better. Im curious about the 4 mana leaks though, isn't it going to be a bit obvious when you leave mana open for them? A shimmer myr would give you more flash effects.
It doesn't have land destruction at turn 3. (http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=144460) I do like what you are doing with Horrifying Revelation, mayby add a Pyroclasm since you have no creatures of your own?
Ferrovore even eats lands (using coating) when you need him to hit really freaking hard.
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