May the PINGAS be with you.
Seems like a very hard deck to play. Very fun deck idea though, very catarthic and cool.
Switch the swamps for plains, it's pretty jarring when you try to draw sample hands. This deck seems to take a fair while before it wins, how long does it usually take you to pull off a win?
Drop some Hellkites, I dont think you need 4 and Treasure mages. Having only 1 thing that Trinket mage can search for seems limited, mayby add atleast 1 Brittle effigy? Thrummingbird could be dropped for some Ornithopters, which can accelerate your mana better and give you some cover. Thumbs up for the Masticore, love that card. (please rate my deck, it employs some similar ideas: )
I really don't see the point of Goblin Guide in a deck which can not use him to win very quickly. He is a great 1 drop yes, but he will accelerate your opponents mana and draws if he hits too much without you winning. Use him in decks with Bushwhacker and the like, but not decks with 6 CMC creatures and a planeswalker. Try more cheap burnspells like Searing Blaze. (rate if you like: )
Pretty nice, could use a sideboard. Also not sure why its marked as Red. The only concern I have is that you may not have enough control, add in Journey to Nowhere (it can also be Titan retrived). You can try Rest for the Weary and Glazing Gladehart for more lifegain, or more Condemn to remove threats. (Please rate )
Isn't Magus of the Coffers the only thing holding this back from being standard legal? The Emperion makes you unable to gain more life, and is more useful in decks in which you may drop low on life with. You could try some discard with sangromancer.
You might want to cut down on some spells in favour of more copies of others. Consistency is the quality of a good deck. Pyretic Ritual could help getting Fire Servant and Galvanoth into play faster which helps you very much. Galvanoth can act like a pseudo-drawengine once it's in play. Im also a strong advocate of Piranha Marsh, free burn!
*cracks fingers* Let's see if I can add a comment to the 10 most recent posts in here... After that, I tried combining Infect and Metalcraft as GR. It feels pretty nice when I draw sample hands:
Oh I get it, use Tezzeret and Flayer Husk as Polymorph targets. I'm not sure what Venser is doing there other then stalling?
Those counterspells feel very lonely, only 2 in the entire deck. Consider either adding more counterspells or dropping them. Same with your killspells, they are just too rare to be reliable. Add more or take them out.
Can't go wrong with Hand of the Praetors, great lord material right there. Mayby having both Putrefax and Skittles is a bit much, it's usually better to try to win without the game reaching 5 mana, since you are running green I would recommend a few more instant speed buffs. I like the removal the way it is, just enough.
Good idea, Ill change that.
Gah, hate TITANS. SO. MUCH. This is a very competent deck, but if I had to play it, only my most hate-filled deck would suffice.
There are better uses for Bazaar Trader, I see that you added 2 Mark of Mutiny which is nice, but the guy has so much potential.
I like contaminated ground as anti-valakut. It's solid at countering Valakut, but I wonder what more it can do :P The library hate is always great, some lightning bolts will slow down your creatures though. Solid removal is great against most decks, except weenie of course. Nihilism at it's best!
Blue Sun's Zenith doubles as both a finisher if you have milled him enough, or a Jace's Ingenuity for 1 more mana. It's versatily makes it good if you are milling.
It's decent enough, but why not origin spellbomb instead of Panic Spellbomb? Gives you something to do before you hit 3 mana. Due to the amount of myrs this can summon if done right, even artifact hate like mine will probably not be able to remove everything. (aforementioned hate deck )
Jesus christ.
I think this deck needs more focus. If you are going to hate on the enemy you need to do it hard, like this:
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