I'm keeping it standard. But Mind Funeral is awesome, I still have my playset from an old modern mill deck. Thanks, though!
Usually I get the Vampire NIghthawk out for early board presence but I think Cathedral Sactifier's would be good for the sideboard to put in against aggro. Thanks for the suggestion!
Tylesss08, this is commander. The format is 99 card decks with a "commander." Haha. Anyway, I would add Curiosity and Tandem Lookout for fun tiem with Niv-Mizzet.
I agree with Konjester, you need other win cons besides Increasing Devotion, but the deck is very cool!
Having a bunch of 2 ofs and stuff won't make it versatile, it'll make it random and cut the chances of you getting what you need. It's all a matter of probability. Some 1 ofs and 2 ofs are okay, but only on occasion. That being said, you want your best cards in multiples such as Boros Reckoner, Boros Charm, and Frontline Medic. They're versatile AND make your deck consistent when ran in3 ofs and playsets (4 ofs). Just some advice!
Why not just take the mana leaks out for a standard counter spell to make the deck 100% standard? Besides that, nice different take on dimir.
Pretty cool deck! Seeing it makes me want to build something similar around Biovisionary. I love Urban Evolution. That's a like from me. Check out my newest deck and let me know what you think?http://mtgvault.com/pendulumswing/decks/wbr-midrange/
He has Alchemist's Refuge's in the deck.
Haha, that's awesome! I'll consider it, thanks.
Thanks! Definitely putting Slaughter Games, Blind Obedience's, and Rest in Peace's in there.
Anyone have any suggestions for the sideboard?
Why Steam Vents sideboarded?
Like the build but I'm curious why you put Ajani in here? I would probably go for a Memory Adept or a Liliana of the Veil. Unless I'm missing something, Ajani seems kinda random.. haha. Also, check my deck out:http://mtgvault.com/pendulumswing/decks/wbr-midrange/
Nice combo, dude. I really love the build. That's a like from me! check my newest deck out?http://mtgvault.com/pendulumswing/decks/wbr-midrange/
Feedback and help/suggestions would be awesome!
I playtested it a lot today and fixed a whole bunch of the kinks out. Took out Divine Deflections and Orzhov Charms. I took out 1 Entreat as well as both of the Exquisite Blood's. Put in one Merciless Eviction just in case of bad situations, and 4 Victim of Nights because my meta isn't big on any of those creature types really. Put in Lingering Souls because it's Lingering Souls..Typhoid Rats in the Sideboard in case my opponent is playing super aggro and I need an early game threat. Illness in the Ranks for tokens. Devour Flesh would replace Victim of Nights in case I was playing one of the archetypes listed on the card. And Human Frailty to deal with Naya Humans and Boros. Any thoughts?
Really like this deck. It seems super fun!
OP is fgt. This post is pointless. Whining about rules on here does nothing. Go whine on mtgsalvation.
If you're still deciding about the planeswalkers, I would consider Jace, memory adept. His 0 is very lethal and his plus gives card advantage which is always good.
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