I would take out the Court Street Denizens maybe. Also, if you had 4 extort cards, you could pay 4 mana for 4 damage and 4 life game. Which is pretty awesome. 4 mana for an 8 point life-swing is awesome.
I would definitely run 4 Intangible Virtues cause when you have multiples out, it's awesome. Also maybe 2 or 3 Entreat the Angels would work nicely. Nice deck though, thats a like from me
Have you considered Hellriders? Check mine outhttp://mtgvault.com/pendulumswing/decks/standard-rdw/
Hay I don't know if anyone has told you but this is not standard do0d
This is Standard, and if I'm not mistaken Auramancers are out. :/
Thank you!
I'm strongly considering a playset of Detention Spheres and maybe 2 or 3 Fog's. I need to playtest it a little more and see how smoothly it goes.
I would recommend Doomed Travelers and Entreats. Maybe Midnight Haunting. Also, Intangible Virtue.
Yeah, I am for sure mainboarding one or two Ghost Dads when Gtc comes it. So good.
Yeah, I am adding 2 or 3 drownyard's when I get home and 2 or 3 entreats as well. Maybe another Memory Adept. Thanks!
I've play tested it a few times today and it has done fairly well, hasn't lost. But once I get the board under complete lockdown, the win comes a little slow so I'll definitely be putting in my entreats when I get home.
I originally had Drownyard's in the deck, I might put them back. I plan on putting some Tamiyo's in there. And definitely more Snapcaster's if I can get my hands on some. Thanks!
Literally the best deck name I have ever seen.
Appreciate all the advice and help, good sir!
+3 Odric+ 2 Doomed Traveler-4 Silvercoat Lion-1 Thraben Sentry+1 Cathars Crusade+2 or 3 Intangible Virtues- 2 Trostani's Judgement+2 Rootborn Defense.Also, needs more land, as mentioned before.Just my initial advice after a brief look. Check my decks out!
Wow, I really appreciate the advice. I had never considered some of these things. I will get some Farseek's and shocklands and fix the mana base even more. Thank you.
I used to run 2 or 3 blessings of nature but eventually took them out. Also I've been trying to get my hands on some primordial hydra's for a couple mainboard and sideboard. Thanks for the feedback!
Yeah, Deathrite Shaman would be good. Maybe replace the Thrill Kills or Deadly Recluse's with them. The Shaman is so versatile and can work in so many different ways so it would be helpful in one way or another. Also, don't forget about getting some Woodland Cemeteries, the g/b Innistrad dual land. Other than that, not bad! Maybe you could check some of my decks out.
Yeah, I'm gonna sideboard 2 entreats and 2 bloodline keeper's for the Lingering Souls. Thanks!
21-40 of 47 items