I guess my question is what is the definition of quick here? Are you trying to make a red burn deck? Seems that a bunch of your cards aren't geared for speed at all. If you want a solid example of fast burn look here:http://www.mtgvault.com/noctaem/decks/fastest-burn/
The more I look at token decks the more I think that you can't go mono green with it. Red just has so much to offer right now in standard when it comes to token pump.
Nice elf deck, I've been meaning to find an updated version that would have some teeth. I think I've just found it!
haha I was totally hoping to see this here
Personally I've always disliked tap lands in aggro decks. Yes I understand that they have utility, but there's something to be said about not being able to play what you want as fast as you want because your land comes into play tapped. Personally I would drop the coves at the very least because 1 life for a tapped land just isn't worth it.The rest of the deck looks just fine :)
Well this guy has spent the whole day trolling me after I didn't take his suggestions and immediately implemented them into the deck I linked. The problem, as you can read in the deck thread itself, is that most of the suggestions he made didn't speed up the deck or improve it. It was the opposite. Since then he trolled the thread, insulted me multiple times (still is), tried to bully and harass me just like he's doing here and so on. I'd ask that you just delete his posts full of insults and hate morningstar, if you don't mind. It's not going to help us reach positive discussion. I'm happy to talk to you about the decks though of course :)
haha, so much anger! Too funny. You spend your whole day trolling me and yet you're the angry one. Perfect.
You realize that you're posting in threads that are 9 months old right?
The problem with your current deck is that yes, you have lots of 1 mana burn. And yes, taken as a whole you can probably kill an opponent given 5+ turns. The problems are as follows:1. You're going to run out of steam right around turn 3-4 (if you drop a land per turn) and your opponent won't be dead. This is because you have no card draw or card fixing so you're at the mercy of the draw + you're only going to draw 1 card per turn. This is a major problem with most burn/rush decks.2. Your burn cards don't deal as much damage as other options. You have lots of 2 damage burn. For the same price you could have 3 damage burn which is a better spender of your mana. 3. You have very expensive cards that do very little. And on that note let's look at your cards:The following cards are good: Lightning Bolt, Rift Bolt, Lava Spike, Reverberate. The rest is either too little damage for too much cost (Volcanic fallout, Staggershock and arguably Incinerate) or don't do enough damage for the cost compared to other options (Galvanic Blast since you have no artifacts, Shock, Tarfire). The goal of a burn deck is to win the game as fast as possible and as efficiently as possible. So when you spend mana to do something you want it to have an impact on the game. Dealing 3 damage to a player for 1 mana does that, that's the best and cheapest damage you can have. Next you need creatures (because they can stick around for multiple turns and deal more damage for their cost or can have various tactical effects). But if you play a creature you need to have it make a difference immediately, so you need haste (if at all possible). 1 mana for a 3/1 with haste is good. The problem is that that line of creatures (ball lightning, etc) die at the end of turn, so it's not effective. On the other hand a creature like Goblin Guide which is a 2/2 haste creature for 1 mana is very good. You play it and it attacks right away + it doesn't die at end of turn. It also has utility which is important. This is basically the go-to creature for most burn decks. The second creature I recommend is Vexing Devil because it's a 1 mana 4/3 that gives your opponent the choice of either taking 4 damage now and get rid of it or leaving it on the field. It doesn't have haste but it's impact is immediate and even on turn 3-4 it can stay relevant. Either way is good for you. If he takes 4 you just did 4 damage for 1 mana which is perfect. If he leaves it around you now have a 4/3 that can cause some havoc. I wouldn't put any other creature in the deck because most of the others suggested simply don't qualify for a deck that wants to be the fastest around.I actually posted my own version of the fastest burn deck I currently play last friday. So if you want to work together I'm totally happy to do that.http://www.mtgvault.com/noctaem/decks/fastest-burn/Feel free to look at it and comment morningstar :)
Um except that evolving wilds makes the basic land come into play tapped. that's terrible.
Very nice.
Very interesting deck. I'll have to playtest this one :)
I wanted to post and say thank you for showing me something that I can build right now which matches exactly the kind of deck I love to play! Love it! +1
Well since you're no longer interested in discussing the deck and since you're stooping to personal attacks. I'm going to end this conversation now. Thanks for posting.EDIT: I've deleted the offensive posts from that user. If anyone else would like to comment I welcome it!
Lol burn my opponent down as fast as possible? No kidding!! The deck is called fastest burn and I explained above that it is the fastest and most reliable burn deck I've been able to craft thus far. Anyway for your post:How does sacking a life for no reason whatsoever help burn my opponent down faster? You put fetch lands in the deck you linked for absolutely 0 gain!! ZERO! None, nadda. Do you not understand that fact? All you're doing is giving up 1 life per fetch that you use... that's completely nonsensical and useless. And in some matchups it can absolutely make a difference when things come down to the wire.Frankly, the advice you gave wasn't exactly good. And I've explained why for each of the points/cards you suggested. Which you don't seem to want to talk about. Perhaps in a slower RDW like the one you posted they might be useful, but in this deck they are not.I think that I'm very much aware of the main goal of a burn deck, which makes me question why you would make suggestions that slow it down if implemented. So to go over them again:Fetch lands are useless, you're giving up life when you use them for no gain. You might as well just replace them with mountains since if you're going to draw land anyway, it might as well be the land you would use the fetch to get in the first place. Sacking life for no reason is stupid.Chain Lightning allows your opponent to send it right back at you. It's a sorcery. And it opens up counters to your resources (creatures). It's a bad card for those reasons.Flame rift costs you an extra mana for 1 point of additional damage. It's stupid to spend the extra mana when you could be doing 6 points of damage using two 1 mana 3 damage cards instead. More damage faster is better and this card does not reflect that mentality at all.Monastery Swiftspear is a good card but not in this deck. I'm not casting lots of spells during my own turn so prowess isn't as effective. I already have a 2/2 hasted creature that has better synergy with a bomb card in the deck. And finally I already have enough creatures in the deck.That's the stuff you said I should put in. None of it was useful to the deck. What you said was bad within the deck, isn't actually bad. It's actually very good. Maybe you should take this deck for a test drive?Thanks anyway.
As for fetch lands, if you're going to draw a land anyway (the fetch) and you only want mountains, you're better off not losing a life in order to get the land you would have drawn anyway. And no, comparing fetch lands to scry 2 is not a valid comparison in this deck...
Well let's address your points.Magma jet is protection from getting drowned in land and to ensure you have enough burn coming to finish off your opponent. You can also remove the cards you don't actually need from the next 2 draws. At the same time, you do damage. This has won me games so I don't think you appreciate just how useful this card is.Reverberate has both offensive and defensive applications. You use it to suddenly burst your opponent down by copying a bomb, copying an opponent's own spell, etc.. Yes, it costs 2 mana, but that 2 mana can generate much more damage for the cost or can save you/win you the game. You need utility to compete. On turn 4, I've done the following:2 mana for price of progress at 4 damage => reverberate for 8 damage, sac 2 lands for Fireblast and do 12. That means that in the previous 3 turns I only had to do 8 damage in order to win. And that was a conservative win where the price of progress only had 2 non basics to boost it. This is anecdotal, but frankly this happens quite a bit in one form or another.Vexing Devil is a turn 1 choice where the opponent can either take 4 now and not have to deal with a 4/3 creature on turn 2 or leave you with a 4 damage swinger. Most people just take the 4 and as explained that's perfectly fine. If they leave it on the board, it's still good for you though actually not preferable. I would never run burn without without this tested and proven card.I don't understand your statement about browbeat. It's a card you play on turn 3 with your opponent at around 10 life. You tell them lose half your remaining life or let me draw 3. It's absolutely not a trap, it's an amazing card that gives you fuel to finish off your opponent, such as allowing you to draw Fireblasts to set up your finish. A big problem in burn is that you run out of fuel before you opponent is dead. Browbeat stops that from happening. There is no trap here and you saying there is, along with your other comments, makes me seriously question if you even know what you're talking about. How can you even say that just because I browbeat you will "kill me next turn"? That doesn't even make sense... You seem to have a bias issue and you're not discussing this deck objectively.The link you provided to a rdw deck is also weird. It's slower, less effective... Anyway thanks for you posts..
I had Chain lightning in the deck for a while but against some opponents, the fact that they could send my own spell back at me had a negative impact. They can target my Goblin Guide for example or just nuke me back which again against aggro decks is not a good plan. It's also a sorcery which I'm trying to avoid.Flame rift costs 1 more mana for only 1 more damage than the other burn I'm using. Unless I'm playing against multiple opponents I would not put it in. Too expensive on resources for little gain.Monastery Swiftspear is a card I've been thinking about quite a bit. Cheap, hasted and the possibility of becoming dangerous very quickly. The problem is as follows. 1. It's a creature. 2. I cast most of my spells at the end of my opponents turn or only cast 1 spell during my own turn, making prowess lackluster and 3. I already have a 1 mana 2/2 with haste that also has better synergy with a possible bomb card: Price of Progress.Hope that makes sense.
All feedback welcome!
oh another thing would be wolfir's. My friend is telling me it could be a 5 mana bomb for instant wins, which is true considering you could pair it with CoL for +4+4 and then swing for trample double strike 8/8 + the rest which can't block on turn 5 ;)
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