no problem ! I stopped playing MTG for a long time, but I've always loved weenie decks. With ravnica though mono color decks seem to be at a disadvantage so I experimented with other colors like red, black etc.. However I found that this green combo really gives the feel and flow I was looking for so the least I can do is make helpful suggestions as I play with it ! Thanks for updating your original post !! Though you have 3 ranger's guile in MB and 3 in SB ;D
oh and of course, nice job xWARxMONGERx, this deck is very fun to play !
I've been running this deck for about a week now, playtesting it. I might not have played the deck for as long as the OP, but I've noticed some things that I believe are relevant. I also play this deck standard, so no path or elspeth for me unfortunately. I've noticed that sometimes I just don't get the green mana out fast enough, as PoetMaster-X mentions. Getting that CoL out on turn 3 could be a game winner or at least allow to swing without worrying about blockers. Having them stuck in your hand because you don't have the double green to put them down sucks big time. I've also been looking at gather the townsfolk myself as it's a 2 mana creature pump that would work with both CoL and CoP. Having both of the champs out and dropping that down on turn 4 sounds pretty sweet. I'll follow the recommendation of Poet on this as well. I'll playtest it tonight and in the next few days. Since I can't make use of Path I've opted for the Ranger's guile instead. It has single handedly given me wins with the 1 mana hexproof and +1+1. It's a winner in my mind. Rancor is also an interesting card to be sure. I don't main board it though currently as I'm trying to make the rings work. But the problem is that they just aren't working very well, expensive to put down when I would rather drop a creature. I've been looking at another equip lately called Silver-inlaid dagger. +3/+0 on a human for 1 mana to drop. Admitedly it's reverse costs of the ring, however I find it much easier to drop it because it costs 1 mana. For those turns where you have 1 mana lying around it's great. it also allows CoL to become unblockable very quickly. I'm thinking of taking out the rings, putting the dagger and adding rancor to main deck to still get trample and to keep it on the cheap. I've run sigarda and she's very powerful. I've actually been running -1 odric and +1 sigarda so that I have two different win conditions. I find odric is often taken out as soon as he's played. But sigarda being more expensive I still like having him around. Since I can't run Elsmeth, I've opted for Ajani. It's sad to see how much more powerful elsmeth is in comparison but that's life in standard. I'll look into rest in peace, I can see how that could come in handy vs certain decks. I'll also look at nevermore and selesnya charm, though I'm iffy on the last. Chances of you having two mana out of turn are not likely, having one of each mana is even less likely. I'm speaking of early - mid when the charm could be useful, but I'll playtest and see.
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