Was surprised you didn't know this, I knew this years ago from mythology stuff. A seraph (or plural seraphim) is a 6-winged angel.
You don't have my favorite sliver! Psionic Sliver!! With +2 to the toughness its a wincondition! And definately one of the great mistakes...I hate slivers after versing a few properly constructed sliver decks.
I really like the idea because I had the opposite theme when I last used Bazaar Trader. I gave me opponent Bronze Bombshell, Immortal coil, and other painful toys. Why doesn't he run Paradox Haze for Dominus of Fealty? It can work nice, espicially with Sundial of the Infinite so you can now keep them forever (Unless I'm misunderstanding the ruling of it).
I like this, but I'd drop the something for Groundswell, you don't get much better than +4/+4, or better yet, rampant growth for +8/+8 on turn 3, thats pretty sweet to me.
You can cast memoricide a turn or two ahead of their gideon, removing them all, or a turn before venser. Koth would only be able to be played with acceleration unless they went first. Karn you should have a turn unless its fast ramp. You have 4 despises, that plus memoricide will be enough i think. But only you can know by testing it.
Anytime, I'm glad to have helped. Not sure how fast your deck is, but if you need more blockers a Followed Footsteps would be nice on Fog Bank or Wall of Tears for defense of slightly later in the game onto Deep-Sea Kraken. Not sure what you would adjust for it if you decide to use it http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=83699 With Paradox Haze it can be pretty broken, you'd get 2 krakens (I think) are ready to attack with the origional being a blocker or joining in!
it works best in emperor games so you have time to abuse godsire and build mana for hellkite.
Ahh I remember running a deck really close to this. I'd put something in that can cycle graveyard and deck (perhaps elixir of immortality) because (not sure if this will happen to you) I ran out of creature and they had field control with day of judgement, doom blades, and go for the throats. And putting a few man-lands in wouldnt hurt.
I understand the concept behind this, but if you run scrying creatures, field control, some draw source, you can swap out Mind unbound for Traumatize and Haunting Echoes. Milling half will usually get 1 of each, and if not you still have those creatures (and the deck advantage) to handle those in addition to other field control spells (maybe augury owl and gatekeeper, maybe even 2-3 nighthawks) to hold them off, they cant do much with just lands (even manlands die, plus if you just let the lands hit you, I'm sure you can deal more damage than 2-3 lands with some creatures) maybe even put a sword of body and mind for milling before/after the combo hits. I think if you take some of what I say (of course take your own twists off of it if you want to take any of what i say at all) I think you can speed it up into a good standard deck.
Why use skullclamp? This deck is standard aside from that. My friend uses living weapons with his, it works very well, and its pretty fast after turn 3-4. I'd definately try to squeeze in a few mirran crusaders, throw a war and peace on it and bam 8 dmg plus the sword hitting TWICE. Just a fun combo with protection (as your description says)
The inkmoth's have no real purpose here since it's your only infect damage and you cant buff it. I'd throw in gatekeeper of malakir or nighthawks for something to play sooner incase of a crusader or something. Also, I'd add 2 despise, drop a mana leak and an IoK
I considered those but using them without lotus cobra makes me think (Because of this I haven't experimented around too much without cobra) that itll slow the deck down too much with 1-2 tapped lands
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=213313 why not see if people will give it a look
you should definitely consider Curse of the Cabal (http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=111049). It will make an opponent continually permanents or suffer for forgetting about it. Its one of my favorite suspension cards.
No vampire nocturnus? A 7/7 (if bloodthirst triggers)that gives all others vamps conditional abilities is EPIC!
Well, the only reason I agree is because O-ring is back, and thats an easy solution for obliterators. I love obliterator more than I hate infect so I refuse to swap out a godly card for infect. But if you are looking to replace obliterator go for Phyrexian Crusader
You can lose with this, a simple Go For The Throat before the equip happens, infect's wither counters have no care for the term "indestructible". Now ya, you have spellskite, but that wont stop throats due to illegal targets, glissa can retrieve spellskite, which i like a lot, but spellskite wont win games, not in this deck. If you really want the obliterator to be the biggest threat possible, throw in Apostle's Blessing and Melira, Sylvok Outcast. Or you can add in Swiftfoot boots to give it hexproof from into the roil/unsummoning spells and Throats. I'd also lower the explores, 2 would be more than enough for only running 22 land, unless you're just using it for the draw. If you want it to play lands then you'll have to up your lands to like 26 (yes it seems high but it is the average count for decks using Lotus cobra/explore). Good luck, and nice deck. I too love my playset of obliterators and how they can change games instantly.
It looks like it was made for standard so Thoughtseize isn't legal. I'd drop 2 hexmage and 1 sign in blood for 3 praetors grasp. Not only do you see the best choices for memoricide but you can also remove key cards from a deck.
They are a bit, if I observed more I would have answered those myself, also very nice collection of the old lands, after seeing your Mishra's Workshop playset I can't say I'm surprised you have at least a playset of each of those.
Damn I'm really not thinking today, I forgot Sun Titan lets you return lands. Sorry for the dumb questions. Next time I'll think more before I post something
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