I'd wait on allies until worldwake comes out in february, there's just not enough of 'em, and if your opponent DoJs or does any kind of board wipe you're in a world of hurt.
If you want to go further with the top/future combo, add cloud key or etherium sculptor and brain freeze. Mill yourself and super mill your opponents to build up your storm and win. You can kill 2-3 people with it if you do it right.
Nice deck! Seems like you're not using the standard EDH banlist though, I see that Timetwister there. If you played it, you might get hated out of your group.
Thanks for the comment on my deck Flipknight, but I don't really use it anymore (half the cards cycled, and it was built for tourneys). As for reccomendations on this? lesse here...if you can get your hands on one or two, Emeria the sky ruin might help your late game out. Free creatures from the graveyard are always nice.
Font of mythos and maybe consider runeflare trap, if you go with the fonts. Runeflare trap + font equals massive damage. This design is pretty nifty, all in all, though I'd go with pyroclasm over earthquake in the mainboard, and swap the fallouts in the side for the other 2 pyroclasm. No fae means fallout's not the cool kid on the block anymore, sadly
looks interesting, but it just seems so vulnerable to spot removal....one terminate to the scute mob you target with rite of replication and it's over....also, do you need 8 overrun effects? (4 from overrun, 4 from the garruks). Interesting deck idea, keep at it!
Oh yeah, i forgot! you should run tarmogoyf, if you can get your hands on a playset, it improves your survivability to the late game so you can combo off. also burns their removal, because no one wants to see goyf in play on the other side.
Ok, read Perilous Forays again and give yourself a high-five: it fetches lands with a basic land type. So you can run duals (shock lands really) and not mess up your combo. And it fixes your mana! seems better. The deck idea's great (read: +1) but i'm wondering how you survive to cast forays? seems pretty unstoppable once that's out though.
Alright, after all the positive commentary, I feel constructive criticism is in order (read: I'm gonna act like a jerk for the next couple lines, but a relevant jerk). Bear in mind, most if not all of the praise above this is true, the deck's solid, I just have a few notes. One: why the heck is there a maindecked solitary pithing needle? so you can randomly draw it and be like "oh hey, the ajani he's already had out for a turn is really annoying, I'll pithing needle it after it's already doled out counters twice" Two: your side deck has 14 cards. one short there sir. Three:what the heck's the hellspark elemental in your side for? that was just confusing. Four: while I appreciate the value of vivids in your color-intensive deck, aren't they just slowing you down? tap lands should be used as little as possible in your case, as you're running a fast and hard build. Ok, after all that, I still think this is solid. thealextheory makes a good point in that there's very few tourney decks on the site, most of it is casual, so rest assured that you've got something you could take to a competition. You know, once you get another card in the sideboard :P
Seems like a great deck! Unfortunately though, Prowl only goes off of combat damage, so you wouldn't be able to play it off of Boggart Shenanigans or Tarfire.
Darksteel Forge randomly?
This is the kind of deck that makes me wish the rack was still in type 2. Still, you could run lavaborn muse maybe? (I'm just suggesting cards, It's probably just fine already). You taken it to an FNM yet?
no, wait, i take it back, vintage
looks like you're doing a fair amount of creature removal on your side of the board, maybe up the grave pacts to a full 4? and if you want kind of ridiculous removal alongside grave pact, think about bone splinters. With pact out, one mana says your opponent loses two creatures, and you get to pick one just a thought as for legality, this deck's legal....in legacy XD
NightLoki, and hoo boy was that a lot of scrolling
if (and i hate to say it, but it is a big if) you can get your engine going.......my god. That is scary. However, it is really really slow, so unless you're playing THG with a great partner who can cover you for that long, you need to speed up the deck. and probably dump reverse the sands.
I'm gonna say, why stigma lasher? Unless you're going up against a whole lot of life gain, you could probably get away with reveillark in the deck instead, you've definitely got enough one drops 'sides, reveillark then when it leaves two brions/balefires come back? win.
sanity grinding maybe? other than that, glimpse for the win!
Idea: use Thoughtcast instead of mulldrifter. Same draw, 2 less mana if you have 4 artifacts out. I'd also say to consider Springleaf drum instead of paradise mantle cuz it tends to be faster. otherwise? I'm loving the deck. Ooh, path to exile maybe? If that's your thing.
oh, and why not sharding sphinx main deck?
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