
5 Decks, 76 Comments, 20 Reputation

Hatred is also a card for which I would add some tutors. Black has many of those.

Posted 20 November 2013 at 16:21 in reply to #413973 on Relentless Rats the EDH


Thrumming Stone is crazy in this deck. Good choice!
Maybe add some tutors to get it out faster?

You might consider adding Ink-Eyes. He would also be a good commander, but I understand why you chose Marrow-Gnawer.
Also maybe Nezumi Graverobber and Swarm of Rats.

Posted 20 November 2013 at 14:46 as a comment on Relentless Rats the EDH


Wall of Brambles is not Modern Legal. Wolfir Avenger or Thrun would be fine imo, or Troll Ascetic.

Posted 20 November 2013 at 14:35 in reply to #413949 on Budget, Attack of the Land !!


Thanks for the input! I know this deck has several weaknesses, played a similar version once in FNM. Actually I modified this a lot already, just did not change it on mtgvault.

Posted 20 November 2013 at 09:13 in reply to #413734 on W/U Heroic Aggro


Looks like fun. I like it!
I suggest adding Khalni Heart Expedition, it simply gets lands out faster.

Posted 19 November 2013 at 11:40 as a comment on Budget, Attack of the Land !!


Hey. I do like this deck a lot.
Reading through the comments I can really recommend using Aphotic Wisps or Crimson Wisps.
Considering Twisted Image, Reach Through Mists and Whispers of the Muse do not have a helpful side effect it would be good to replace those.
You could go for Steam Vents (though this would crash the budget idea of this deck) to have more options on turn 2.

Manamorphose could also be interesting because you generate 3 Mana in total out of 2 Mana input.

I do have one question for you or the other commentors:
Weird and Mantle are in play. I tap him to get mana for Cerulian Wisps. As far as I'm concerned, Weird's untap ability triggers right away. Can I tap him for mana again before Cerulian Wisps resolves to get an extra mana? This would come in very handy.

Hopefully I could give you some new ideas. I know there are many cards you could consider using.

Posted 12 November 2013 at 15:07 as a comment on Turn 2 Win?


This looks like lots of fun. I decided to gather the cards for this deck together. Just need to find a cheap Emrakul, hes freakin expensive...
Keep the creative decks coming, I enjoy reading your descriptions a lot.

One of my decks got a similar idea, getting Darksteel or Blightsteel Colossus first round with channel. Channel being banned ofc makes it just a fun deck for me and my friends.
As long as I don't have Emrakul, those colossuses will do the job in your deck as well hopefully.

Posted 17 October 2013 at 10:59 as a comment on Presto-Change-O!


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