
5 Decks, 76 Comments, 20 Reputation

Basilisk Collar would be very strong in here. Deathtouch on the goblin and no creatures will survive.

Posted 17 February 2014 at 11:01 as a comment on Sharpshooter


3 Ancient Tombs might be too much in here since your soldiers will mostly cost only white mana because of Ballyrush Banneret and Daru Warchief. You could swap in Emeria for one of these.

Posted 12 February 2014 at 12:35 in reply to #437177 on Soldier


How about adding one or two black mana sources to be able to hardcast Unburial Rites?
If it ends up in your hand the only option to play it is by discarding it with Thirst for Knowledge.

Posted 12 February 2014 at 10:20 as a comment on u/w tron


Soul's Attendant was the one I was looking for, thanks. Essence Warden is green though ;)

Posted 12 February 2014 at 10:14 in reply to #437015 on Tokens = Life = Win


I like this deck a lot, the mana curve is super low.
You don't even need a full playset of Birds of Paradise to get going in my opinion.

Also standard legality is only a few changes away, e.g. Putrefy or other removal for Maelstrom, a second Domri for Liliana, and some shocklands.
However, it's your choice what you make of the deck.

Posted 12 February 2014 at 10:13 as a comment on With Jolly Jund We Go!


I agree with a previous commentor on Polis Crusher, he can be very useful against all the enchantments.
Though you might consider replacing his mainboard place with Polukranos.

Posted 11 February 2014 at 16:50 as a comment on Revelers Revenge


I feel like Wake the Reflections won't do much for you in here, since it will only copy a 1/1 or a 2/2 at best.
Mainboarding Angelic Accord would make Wake way better.
If you want another 1 drop option instead there is another creature similar to Soul Warden, I cannot think of its name though atm.
Looking at your high amount of one drops you could also afford to put in some cards with higher cmc.

Posted 11 February 2014 at 16:44 as a comment on Tokens = Life = Win


This decks looks very nice, didn't even know cascade cards existed in Modern format (I didn't play magic when Alara block cameout).
I especially like how well Forbidden Orchard works out here, that's one of the cards I remember from the beginning of my Magic days.
There's no way that this won't work imo. No spells with cmc lower than your cascade cards other than Living End.
Also the way to deal with artifacts / creatures with the convoke mechanic fits very well.

Posted 10 February 2014 at 10:42 as a comment on This Is The End.


You could also add more scrylands (Temple of Mistery / Temple of Silence) since you only have one option for a turn one play and they help you a lot in your strategy.

Posted 10 February 2014 at 09:52 in reply to #435155 on Stalemate


Interesting cards, some of which I haven't even seen before.
Go for Hero's Downfall instead of Murder, it can also get rid of planeswalkers ;-)
Maybe, to lower the mana curve a bit, add Serum Visions or Sleight of Hand.

Posted 07 February 2014 at 14:27 in reply to #435155 on Stalemate


Sword of the Meek + Thopter Foundry is a sweet combo.

Posted 05 February 2014 at 13:27 as a comment on Pudding


Ok, you're right I suppose ;)

Posted 05 February 2014 at 09:21 in reply to #434409 on Wild Nacatl's Revenge


Looking at Tarmogoyf, I have a suggestion/question.

It says, "Tribal" also counts as card type. Would e.g. a Tribal instant in your graveyard count as Instant as well as tribal (giving him +2/+2)?

If no, nevermind. Just never really read what Tarmogoyf says because he's so expensive.
If yes, interesting additions would be Tarfire instead of Lightning Bolt or Helix and Nameless Inversion (for sideboard probably) for some more removal or pumping up your creatures.

Posted 04 February 2014 at 11:25 as a comment on Wild Nacatl's Revenge


In theory you only need 2 lands to get all 4 types (e.g. Temple Garden + Steam Vents). Because this deck has so many fetch lands, you will get there incredibly easy.

Posted 04 February 2014 at 11:11 in reply to #434398 on Wild Nacatl's Revenge


Maybe Breeding Pool instead of Watery Grave. More access to green, less access to black for it's only in your sb.

Posted 04 February 2014 at 11:01 in reply to #434069 on Wild Nacatl's Revenge


How about Temple Garden or Overgrown Tomb? They improve your mana base a lot and can even be fetched by Treefolk Harbringer if needed.

Posted 31 January 2014 at 09:58 as a comment on Tree Folktale


I suggest you rather play 2 or 3 Red/Green duals for Xenagos and go for the fourth Elvish Mystic instead of the slivers.

Posted 30 January 2014 at 16:24 as a comment on hydra-ponic


Swap the Rakdos Guildgates for the new Black/Red Scrylands when they are released ;)
Maybe sideboard Rakdos Charm rather than mainboard it.
I would also suggest using some more removal, like Doomblade or Hero's Downfall.

Posted 30 January 2014 at 16:21 as a comment on Rak-Boss Boros/Rakdos Standard


Not only is this made for Two Headed Giant. It is also made for playing with another special deck which is full mill. Having the ability to scan and mill the opponents' decks and then exile the better cards is a very interesting concept.

Posted 30 January 2014 at 11:12 in reply to #430293 on I Swear, This is Fun.


As a start, I'd suggest Young Pyromancers or maybe Guttersnipes.

Posted 30 January 2014 at 08:42 in reply to #432682 on Mogis Grixis Control


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