Yeah, realized after. Replaced with force spike.
Drop your big creatures to 3 each at least, they're bricks for at least the first 3 turns. The defender package is cute but hardly consistent with only 8, elvish mystics and the draw walls (blossom and omens) are just going to be better and more utility. Wrath of God is just better and is pretty cheap. Literally any creature or spell that sacrifices as a cost is going to be better than Nature's claim, Fiend Artisan could help filter your deck and could be pretty big himself, 3 of these max what ever you pick. Pitfall and stave off are just bad, replace with Path. Summoning trap at 3 should be more than enough also. Ghostly is another bad card, replace it with more removal, blessed alliance wouldn't be bad, 2 should be fine. O-ring isn't terrible. At least 3 of the card slots I free'd up should go to more lands with the last 2 being your tech slots for your area's meta.
Any Ferengi reference gets a like.
For oblitorator Asmo is the big problem since she makes it damage its self meaning you'll be sacrificing 6 permanents along with lossing him. Kitchen is also a very fast aggro deck that can make giant creatures due to both urza and the saga tokens with and though monitor constantly drawing cards and Emry recasting cheap or free artifacts. As for dealing with hammer it was about 50/50 depending on what my opening hand was.
With Urza's Kitchen running around obliterator isn't safe anymore so this deck is kinda dead for the moment.
Green just didn't add anything, it's based on a standard deck during origins.
I see 12 of them.
Helps if you separate side board.
I think pan would have to be on a Chrome Mox deck or mana dorks in order to get it out fast enough to be relevant.
The idea of my build was more about abusing the consistent life drain along with more control, with constant pressure mid game with Gutterbones and Knight. You can even get Knight back on their turn by popping food. I also made Priest the center piece because shes so good.
I feel there isn't enough food production to make the cat abuse consistent enough. If you splashed green, and I mean a very small amount, you could run cards like Goose or giant opportunity to really abuse the cat. Theory craft.-1 Underworld Dreams +4 Goose-1 Witches +2 Giant opportunity -1 Nyx Lotus-1 Gary-1 Cavalier -1 DreadThis makes the cats a viable win con I feel.Alternatively if you don't want to splash green you could go with something like this.
It's the reason I went to 3 color over 5. Everything only needs 1 of any color to cast so once you hit your 3 land base it should be good. Keeping the rainbow lands down to a minimum also makes sure non-creature spells can be cast.
New ashiok helps vs druid combo and control.
KCI banned
It's funny but the lack of spell protection hurts.
No longer valid.
Updated and optimized. It's not a cheap build.
Over Birds/rampant? It's an idea.
Sands of Delirium
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