
38 Decks, 49 Comments, 22 Reputation

Since they dropped in price Mishra's Bauble would be a good fit over wisps since any spare retriever's in hand could grab it.
Also if you add white you can use Enduring Renewal with Heartless/retriever/mishra's to pretty much draw your deck on their upkeep. Slower but it's a second combo.

Posted 06 January 2019 at 03:11 as a comment on 20$- Turn 2 Win


It's just not that good. Fatal and Abrupt can take care of most things in modern. If anything I would replace them with Blossoming or the instant fight card you had before. I would at least invest in 3 Hissing Quagmire. Man Lands are fairly cheap.

Posted 26 January 2018 at 02:54 in reply to #610836 on Phyrexian Evolution


Not sure about the aethrborn but it does give you easy trades if Grim Flayer isnt online so w/e, I do like it a bit better than thug and I feel like your a tad creature heavy now. Maybe cut the thugs and add 1 more tracker and a land. I STILL don't like tragic slip here. Also considering on the money you're will to drop I HAVE to ask about that land base.

Posted 26 January 2018 at 01:51 in reply to #610836 on Phyrexian Evolution


Bob=Dark Confidant. It's the name of the player that made him after winning nationals.

Posted 26 January 2018 at 01:38 in reply to #610836 on Phyrexian Evolution


Also thinking that Bob isn't that good here but that's just me. Underworld Connections or Read the Bones are alternatives.

Posted 25 January 2018 at 00:12 in reply to #610836 on Phyrexian Evolution


If you need 2 drops to sac Golgari Thug would be a better target than Scooze, maybe a 3-3-2 mix between the 2 drops. As a 1 of Asceticism is probably better than lilly giving your win con and Faerie Macabre is almost mandatory for your side board. 1 Surgical Extraction will ruin your deck. Also I feel like Chord of Calling would be better than slip given the number of creatures you run, if you fight something bigger than you who cares? That's more they lose. I also noticed that Ulvenwald Tracker has been removed. This guy is better than Prey Upon by far and if they waste removal on him then who care's, that 1 less card the much scarier creatures you have no longer have to worry about.

As for your side board.

Merfolk: Chalice and spreading seas are the only worry so ether another Pulse or Abrupt Decay.
Burn: Collective Brutality or 4 Leyline of Sanctity.
Infect: Night of Souls' Betrayal is an auto win if it lands.
Tron: This is an odd match up and it depends on what type your facing. There is always the Fulimantor/Surgical combo. To be honest though as long as you deal with the walkers and hold Oblit until they drop a big creature you just win. What good is Ulamog if you drop Oblit and have it fight?
Death's shadow: This an amazing matchup for you because who cares how big it gets, it's just more they lose.

Posted 25 January 2018 at 00:03 in reply to #610836 on Phyrexian Evolution


Eldritch Evolution

Posted 23 January 2018 at 18:48 as a comment on Phyrexian Evolution


This is more expensive but you should see where I was going. Dorks don't accelerate the combo, lands do, along with some alternate win cons.

Posted 23 January 2018 at 15:09 in reply to #610772 on Art of War


I get why you have censor but it's just to slow for modern, spell pierce is just better. Drop the negates and scatters for mana leaks and another Countervailing Winds. Drop 1 Winds for another sarcophagus, having it as a one of with so many targets is odd. And Finally Baral's Expertise just strait out beats Engulf in this deck, being able to drop a sarcophagus, Fraying Sanity, or even Startled Awake right behind it is an insane tempo play and unless you're against tokens will more than likely to clear the board anyway.

Also 3 Relic of Progenitus is probably mandatory in the side, otherwise Dredge or Snapcasters will just eat you. One of over a Baral's in the main probably wouldn't hurt ether.

And if you don't mind spending just a little more Jace, Vryn's Prodigy could out right replace sarcophagus.

Posted 22 January 2018 at 17:40 as a comment on Insane Mill (Budget)


You have EDH to thank for that pricepoint.

Posted 22 January 2018 at 16:50 in reply to #610727 on Instant Lockdown


Looks fun but you may want to drop the utvaras, llanowars, and maybe 2 of the triumph to have cards to protect the combo.

Posted 22 January 2018 at 16:47 as a comment on Art of War


All you need to do is add 3-4 waste lands. Ancient Stirrings is more than enough to find one of them, even pain lands would work if your worried about color.

Posted 22 January 2018 at 15:05 in reply to #610695 on Budget Land Destruction Combo


A more competitive version if anyone is interested.

Posted 22 January 2018 at 00:40 as a comment on Budget Land Destruction Combo


World Breaker needs an actual colorless mana in order to activate its ability.

Posted 21 January 2018 at 23:28 in reply to #610695 on Budget Land Destruction Combo


You need a colorless source for World Breaker.

Posted 19 January 2018 at 00:27 as a comment on Budget Land Destruction Combo


You need a colorless source for World Breaker.

Posted 19 January 2018 at 00:26 in reply to #610024 on Budget Land Destruction Combo


You need at least 25 lands to run control effectively.

Posted 08 November 2015 at 14:34 as a comment on Standard Control


You need at least 25 lands to run control effectively.

Posted 08 November 2015 at 14:34 as a comment on Standard Control


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