Since they dropped in price Mishra's Bauble would be a good fit over wisps since any spare retriever's in hand could grab it. Also if you add white you can use Enduring Renewal with Heartless/retriever/mishra's to pretty much draw your deck on their upkeep. Slower but it's a second combo.
It's just not that good. Fatal and Abrupt can take care of most things in modern. If anything I would replace them with Blossoming or the instant fight card you had before. I would at least invest in 3 Hissing Quagmire. Man Lands are fairly cheap.
Not sure about the aethrborn but it does give you easy trades if Grim Flayer isnt online so w/e, I do like it a bit better than thug and I feel like your a tad creature heavy now. Maybe cut the thugs and add 1 more tracker and a land. I STILL don't like tragic slip here. Also considering on the money you're will to drop I HAVE to ask about that land base.
Bob=Dark Confidant. It's the name of the player that made him after winning nationals.
Also thinking that Bob isn't that good here but that's just me. Underworld Connections or Read the Bones are alternatives.
If you need 2 drops to sac Golgari Thug would be a better target than Scooze, maybe a 3-3-2 mix between the 2 drops. As a 1 of Asceticism is probably better than lilly giving your win con and Faerie Macabre is almost mandatory for your side board. 1 Surgical Extraction will ruin your deck. Also I feel like Chord of Calling would be better than slip given the number of creatures you run, if you fight something bigger than you who cares? That's more they lose. I also noticed that Ulvenwald Tracker has been removed. This guy is better than Prey Upon by far and if they waste removal on him then who care's, that 1 less card the much scarier creatures you have no longer have to worry about.As for your side board. Merfolk: Chalice and spreading seas are the only worry so ether another Pulse or Abrupt Decay.Burn: Collective Brutality or 4 Leyline of Sanctity.Infect: Night of Souls' Betrayal is an auto win if it lands.Tron: This is an odd match up and it depends on what type your facing. There is always the Fulimantor/Surgical combo. To be honest though as long as you deal with the walkers and hold Oblit until they drop a big creature you just win. What good is Ulamog if you drop Oblit and have it fight?Death's shadow: This an amazing matchup for you because who cares how big it gets, it's just more they lose.
Eldritch Evolution
This is more expensive but you should see where I was going. Dorks don't accelerate the combo, lands do, along with some alternate win cons.
I get why you have censor but it's just to slow for modern, spell pierce is just better. Drop the negates and scatters for mana leaks and another Countervailing Winds. Drop 1 Winds for another sarcophagus, having it as a one of with so many targets is odd. And Finally Baral's Expertise just strait out beats Engulf in this deck, being able to drop a sarcophagus, Fraying Sanity, or even Startled Awake right behind it is an insane tempo play and unless you're against tokens will more than likely to clear the board anyway. Also 3 Relic of Progenitus is probably mandatory in the side, otherwise Dredge or Snapcasters will just eat you. One of over a Baral's in the main probably wouldn't hurt ether.And if you don't mind spending just a little more Jace, Vryn's Prodigy could out right replace sarcophagus.
You have EDH to thank for that pricepoint.
Looks fun but you may want to drop the utvaras, llanowars, and maybe 2 of the triumph to have cards to protect the combo.
All you need to do is add 3-4 waste lands. Ancient Stirrings is more than enough to find one of them, even pain lands would work if your worried about color. more competitive version if anyone is interested.
World Breaker needs an actual colorless mana in order to activate its ability.
You need a colorless source for World Breaker.
You need at least 25 lands to run control effectively.
21-38 of 38 items