Every chance is worth it considering the draw power the deck has plus ik its not going to happen all the time but the deck works extremely well for me also u win from one thing getting ulamog out n having him do what he does best
The contagions r used to proliferate the planes walkers to get easy ults since no green for doubling season
Instead of madrush cyclops why not urabrask the hidden same ability but with an added bonus
my play community has allot of tribal decks would help them more than me cause cats dont have allot of creature put out
No problem and also its up to you but i would try running 1x emrakul that card on its own can end a game
I get what you are doing with the deck but i would recommend wormcoil engine its not as big as worldspine but does the same thing big creature that dies n leaves behind tokens
Thornbite staff n rude awakening replaced darksteel ingot and krosan grip
Forces them to attack into witch who gets me a curse when killed
Got lazy so just copyed the guys deck cause only difference of our decks is he uses anger and id rather have spawning pit for the combo
Oona Queen of the fae
Iona is just to shut down tho mono colors that i dont like around the table just to stall so i can get one of the infinant loops going
forgot the vault of whispers
um take a look at this elf deck of mine u might find some use full things in it http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=307192
add red and use thraximundar
Lol this deck is almost as anoing as my standerd G/U turbo fog
Any deck with oblivian ring or enchantment removal beats this deck
lol i like it but it could use some tuning but dont get me wrong i like it allot tell me what u think of my myr deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=295326
try it with the inf mana myr combo with a peladium myr and 2 myr galvinizers
this is my EDH deck i worked on for some time its focus is making every one sac everything and then atking with thraximundar for game http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=307751
most of the time when i play this deck i get more mountains then islands and i use to always be missing the blue when i need it but once i had them equal out i get more consistency with the mana curve when i play at my local FNM.
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