Can u not see the 4 in the deck
check out my mono blue controle deck its a 1v1 deck but u can use some of the controle cards in urs
why not add in the U/W lands like seachrome coast for example they would prob help and y no counter spells ?
for every one that comments i due have the mox emeralds n the one lotus my friend had them from when he started playing n when he quit he gave me a box of alpha beta and unlimited and i found these n more very nice cards in it.
deathbringer liege and painters servent problem solved
thnx i realy worked hard on this deck im hoping it wins some standard matches.
looks good but it looks allot like a mana ramp that happens to have tokens in it.
the new duel lands are like 10 bucks a pop so i would need 80$
what due you mean by that?!
and also i cant aford to get the duel lands i need right now.
i have and it works just fine i never had to give up a 6 card hand with it.
thnx for the idea but i will leave 2 of each caus the mana put out can pay for all i need.
should check out my squirrel deck
good idea thank you i didnt know a card like that was printed.
look at every thing else that gets rid of lands only need 2 caus i didnt have anything else to put in but the deck works on everything sept 1 drop burn decks.
i get better draws then what the computer gives each turn i get blood thirst.
if u like this deck you should follow me it gives me more of a reason to add new decks
i had black in it but i would find myself not getting my generic first second and third turns and also i dont use piper for the eldrazis i use arch druid for them and piper to put out more elves so druids can tap for a ton of mana
This my elf deck in all its glory!
u should follow me and check out my squirrel deck
21-40 of 43 items