ik i need more diciples or underlinges but im having trouble finding some if u can find any plz repost on here i would love the help getting this deck running
plz give me feed back on how to improve i prefer to use god related cards for this deck
working progress please give me card ideas
oh but one thing since those arent basic lands u cant use more then 4 of each so this deck is techically invalid
i think its a good deck just my OCD is freaking out cause u left it on 61!
i honestly like 70 card decks but thanks for the feed back
idc about my auras really they are there just for simple buff or to start the infinite damage combo so i see it as good
see if he has lifelink and i put the bow on him i can do infinite damage
u forget my infinite damage famished palidian combo in here
i just cant see how this is suppose to run smoothly it would trip over itself with its extreme lack of block or creatures and if really on buffing creatures i could just use worship cause u have no enchantment destruction or burn so i could control the battlefield so not recommended
thanks for the comment
did some modifications thanks for the comment
i did some modifactions thanks for the comment
there completely fixed
oh ok thanks ill change it
oh ok thanks
ok do as u wish with it happy u like it
https://www.mtgvault.com/mtgcoldfish/decks/world-on-fire-deck/ here is the link u wanted to the world on fire deck u requested
no problem just wait a minute im almost finished
hmm ok ill make they world on fire deck for u then
61-80 of 84 items