ok thanks for the feed back
i forgot the name of the card that if a sorcery or instant is casted and the same one is in ur graveyard cast them as well if u can find it please tell me the name
yes i do most people love it
ik right it looks awesome
it does it helps supress ur opponont
there and it wasnt a joke the nquisitors literally are the kkk of magic
ok thanks ill look into it.
my friends keep getting mad when i beat them so i made them a deal i would make a joke deck and use it against them so i made this and now gonna order it and use it it will be amazing
i just throw this togther cause i was bored.
then your love what i added a infinite mill combo
sure what is it called?
lol ok ill make some modifactions thanks for the positive feed back.
lol those bumped up the price a bit too much because in its current state its pretty good and could be bought and shipped to me for 15 dollars so i see it as fine for now thanks for the input tho.
yea seriouspaul's one looks better cause all u need to counter this is simple burn or just token spawn cause no trample and this is purely based on luck u have so little creatures u could just get a hand full of pump or just 1 creature that would get wiped in one secound
good deck but i would replace stinkweed imp with Liliana's Reaver but only 3 instead of 4 so u could add another Rotten Regisaur and maybe find a place where u can add under the floor boards but other then that 10/10
is this deck better?
oh nevermind and maybe but the child of alara is pretty good
who's Golos?
nice 10/10
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