I think Witchbane is going to wrok nicely. Not just burn decks, but library depletion will also be shut down. Lots of spells target the player to make them do negative things. Your right about Solemn, I might try to swipe one from my son. :)
Im not thrilled with Isolation Cell, but not sure what else I could use to deal with a lot of creautres. I was thinking of Norns Annex?? I havent even started working on a side board, but the suggestions are spot on. Thanks.
Just added two Acidic Slime, and removed two Naturalize. With Harrow, and Cultivate going out, what would you suggest for mana ramp? Thanks.
Yeah, just realized Oblivion Ring was white. I had a brain fart thinking it was an artifact. Thanks for the comments, ill start checking them out.
Correct, but it also cost 6 to activate. Think of the other creatures you could cast for 6 mana. Wurmcoil??
One other suggestion. replace Stalking Stones with Faerie Conclave. Much better man land.
Great name for a total DICK deck! LOL. I would think that the Isochrons ability counts as your spell for the turn. Copy Artifact would be a cheap alternative to the Metamorph. Good luck!
I would say Ball lightnings would be a great addition. Maybe also Cursed Scroll. If you get stuck later in the game there a great way to do 2 damage every turn.
I like the Momentary Blink in this deck. Never reallymade sence to me before now..
Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary would be right at home in this deck.
I love simple and stupid!
A few cards for you to consider. Fire Blast, maybe the greatest game ender there is. Reckless Abandon for the Ball Lightnings, and other creatures that go away at end of turn anyway. And for late game when and if you stall out is Cursed Scroll. 2 Damage every turn.
I would also take out Wild Growth and put in more creature based mana. Maybe Wall of Roots would be good.
Argothian Wurm would be great in this deck. Check it out..
I call shinanigans! Your playing 8 chimney Imps! BROKEN....
Here are 4 older cards for you. Prosperity, Sudden Impact, Black Vise, and Wheel of Fortune. Hope these help.
Defense of the Heart was great, untill Lurking Preaditors came out. In multi play, its sick!
uuhhh, Now I have to face this bastard in multiplayer! Thanks a lot big A! Great find..
Oracle of Mul Daya looks like a great card, though I dont know what I would drop to incorperate it. So many great cards, so little room....
I would look add reckless Abandon, and Fireblast. There both great game enders. Also you cant go wrong with Lightning Bolt.
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