I will be adding the extra Charm to the deck. I agree with dropping one Rancor. Thanks for all your suggestions.
I would love to add another Thragtusk, but at $15 each im not willing to buy another one. With any luck I can trade one at the next FNM. I disagree with dropping all 4 Rancor's. I think going to 3 might be the right number. I should have the extra Wayfaring Temple's this week. Thanks for your suggestions.
I would add Blade Splicer, not sure what I would replace it with. Like others said, Staff Of Nin, needs to go away. Looks like a very fun deck to play. I would think it would be great in multiplayer.
I also think you should be playing Shivan Wumpus, and Raze.
Oh, and one Strip Mine. Clearly there is a budget with this deck, so I wont sugest Waste Land, or Sink Hole....
I would suggest Avalanche Riders, and Raze. With the amount of land your running I see no harm in playing Raze.
I also really like that you posted a budget friendly version of the deck. Nice build.
Another bonus of going with Tree Of Redemption is, you could drop the Elixir of Immortality, and open up 4 more slots for hatred...
I would drop white alltogether. As for adding Wall Of Blossoms, and Tree Of Redemption, I would drop Sprouting Phytohydra, and Perimeter Captain. I would also drop Spidersilk, and add Hurricane.
Great suggestion for Gutter Grime. Not sure what I would take out? Any suggestions?
You need Tree of Redemption, and Wall of Blossoms. Looks like it would be a very fun deck to play.
I would drop imperial seal. Its insanely expensive!
Isn't Braids banned? I'm surprised to see your not playing yawgmoth's will..
I would drop the two Coat Of Arms, and add two Elesh Norn. Great old school multiplayer deck!
My son recently started running this deck after finding it on MTG Top 8. Thanks to Damien Mace for his build. For less than $40. this has to be one of the better standerd decks currently being used. Good luck.
If thats the only reason to play white it makes no sense. Maybe play Over Run?
Here is my take on Feed The Pack. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=288307 I don't see any reason to have white in your deck. I would go mono green.
Also curious about the lack of grenades? Also maybe two fireblast??
Maybe im wrong, but did you forget to add Heartless Summoning??
Im not sure that there will be that much extra mana laying around. Omnath would be good, but not sure what I would remove for him..
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